chapter six

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That's the thing about pain, it demands to be felt.


Aanvi Zenobia

Grabbing Zeph hand, I smiled from ear to ear as he led the way. He walked fast but slow enough so I wouldn't fall in these red bottoms. Pushing the door open for me he led me onto a roof as I looked in fascination.

The roof was decorated white with lights hanging all over and as soon as we stepped on the platform it started to spin slowly. I gasped holding on to him as he did a cute little chuckle.

"You really outdid yourself." I complimented still looking around.

"Only the best for my baby." He kissed my temple then let me go pulling out my chair so I can sit.

"Thank you." I smiled watching him sit down. "How'd you find out about this?"

"Don't get mad but Redd took me here once but it was in the day time so none of this existed. They did all this for me because I fucks with them."

"You always say don't get mad before you say something about Ms.Nikki baby." I rolled my eyes as he laughed. "That was your girlfriend for three years, why wouldn't you reminisce? I'm pretty sure y'all had good times."

"We did but we not about to talk about her, this all about you."

Changing the subject I looked at him. "Where's the menus?"

"You can order anything. Steak, lobster, pizza, anything you want?"

"Lobster?" I asked making him laugh.

"Anything baby." He shook his head. "I want crab legs as a appetizer, what you want?"

"Oou the same with hot wings."

After ordering our drinks and appetizers we sat in silence looking at each other. Usually, I would hate eye contact but with Zephyr, it came so naturally. He was the first to break it as I smiled.

"Stop being weird." He smirked then leaned back. "Tell me something about you, something I don't know."

"My real name is Aanvi."

I watched him scrunch his face up as he looked at me. "So who the hell is Zenobia?"

"That's my middle name, I don't like my first name, hate it actually so I go by Zenobia."

"Why do you hate it? It's different."

"It is but it's just more complicated than that."

He went to say something but the waiter came out with our food and drinks cutting him short. He thanked the man and started eating without another word said.

During the rest of the date, Zeph was acting standoffish. He would give me dry reactions or answer with one word answers. Instead of getting mad I would just try to talk to him but I'll get the same reaction. After trying a few more times, I gave up talking and wanted to leave all together.

Asking for a to go box, I stuffed my food in both boxes then walked away leaving him there. I rolled my eyes as the car pulled up, getting in I texted Lee a rolling eye emoji then locked my phone back seeing him get in the car.

Throughout the car ride, he would glance at me or ask me questions just to get ignored. Finally getting the hint he left me alone and got on his phone. Thinking we were going to the house I was confused when we pulled up to a beach.

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