chapter thirteen

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"Be patient. Everything is coming together."

- J.T

Aanvi Zenobia

"And I told you when you left me there's nothing to forgive!" I sung laying down on the couch. "It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way you're happy without me!"

"Zenobia, shush I'm on the phone." Kellz said glaring at me.

"As I sink in the sand watch you slip through my hands. Ohhh as I die here another day cause all I do is cry behind this smile!"

"I'm sorry, can I call you back in ten minutes?" I heard Kellz say as I continued singing until the song changed. 

"Hey hey family!" Jah said as he walked in the house.

"I'm never gonna let you close to me, even though you mean the most to me because every time I open up it hurts. So I'm never gonna get to close to you even when I mean the most to you in case you go and leave me in the dirt!"

"Okay then." He looked at me weirdly going to Kellz.

"Get ya daughter before I hurt her." 


"Not that damn daughter, that one." She pointed at me.

"But every time you hurt me, the less that I cry. And every time you leave me the quicker these tears dry. And every time you walk out, the less that I love you. Baby, we don't stand a chance, it's sad that it's true. I'm way too good at goodbyes!"

"What she do?" Jah asked.

"Really Jaheim?" 

"Okay, okay." He laughed throwing his hands in surrender. 

"Yeah dad?" Lee asked coming down the stairs.

"What's wrong with ya sister?" 

"Her and Zeph going through something, I think." 

"That explains the sad music." Kellz shook her head as they all looked at me. 

"I know you think that I'm heartless, I know you think that I'm cold. I'm just protecting my innocence, I'm just protecting my sooooul!"

"So what do we do?" Jah asked.

"What y'all gon do because I have a doctor appointment," Lee said.

"Take her with you."

"So she could blow my eardrums out?" 

"I know it hurts sometimes but you'll get over it! You'll find another life to live, I swear that you'll get over it! I know you're sad and tired, you've got nothing left to give! You'll find another life to live, I know that you'll get over it!"

"She gotta get out my house." Kellz said making them laugh. "I'm serious, I'll even drive you to ya appointment as long as she gets out."

"Maybe her seeing the baby would get her back happy, just take her Lee." Jah said.

"I already requested a Lyft, it's a minute away sooo?" 

"Zenobia, up and out! Let's go!" Kellz demanded pulling my phone out the Aux that was connected to the speaker.

"Where we going?" I asked sitting up. 

"With me to my appointment." 

"Okay, I guess." I shrugged putting on my UGG slippers.

I grabbed my airpods, portable charger, and my wallet following Lee out the door. As soon as we got outside the Lyft was pulling up, I looked at the girl while she glared at me. I ignored her looks then put one headphone in my ear and turned my music up. 

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