chapter nine

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In the end we only regret the chances we didn't take.

--Tiffany Williams 

Aanvi Zenobia 

I winced in pain accidentally hitting the cask that was on my hand on the dresser, I sighed still not used to this. I fractured my knuckles and sprained my wrist fighting and now I was paying the price. I got up seeing Becky in the living room quickly taking pills, she looked back at me and stood up.

"I'm fine and I don't need your help." I cut her off before she could even say anything. 

"I'm just trying to make sure you're okay." 

"Oh really?" I raised a eyebrow. "I wasn't okay for fifteen years of my life, where were you then?"

"We can't get passed this if all you do is throw the past up."

"I don't want to get passed it! I hate you, what don't you understand?" I raised my voice. "You will never be my mother, stop trying!"

"I'm sorry, I can't change the past and I can't take away all the bruises and pain we both caused you but I'm trying, can't you see that? I'm fucking trying Aanvi!"

"I don't want you to try! You should have been helped me when I needed it, keep that same energy!"

"Zenobia I-" She stopped and held her chest standing still. "I can't-"

"What's wrong with you?" I scrunched my face up. When she fell I unintentionally laughed then went to get my phone calling 911. 

I wasn't stupid, I knew she was having a heart attack, I watched a lot of medical shows. I laid her on her side then going to the cabinet to get a aspirin telling her to chew it, she started chewing until it was gone. She continued holding her chest and blinking slowly with her watery eyes, I sighed wondering when this ambulance was going to hurry up.

I went to the door hearing the siren, I led them in watching as they hooked a oxygen mask to her trying to listen to her heart. Strapping her onto a gurney, I watched until it went to the truck. The lady turned to me with a confused face.

"Aren't you going to come?" She asked still looking confused.

"No, why would I?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I thought this was your mother or something, I apologize." I nodded and watched her get in the drivers side. 

The trunk went out of sight, I went back in the kitchen trying to find something to eat. I sighed seeing we had nothing, I looked at the time seeing it was one in the afternoon. I called Zeph phone hearing it go to voicemail, I rolled my eyes calling Sef as it went straight to voicemail. I groaned out loud calling Jace and he answered on the second ring.

"Lady Mitch wassup?" He asked coughing.

"You saw or heard from Zephyr?"

"Yeah, he's right here. Hold on, Mitch!" He yelled. "Lady Mitch looking for you, you in trouble cause she said the whole name."

"Shut up bitch, hey baby." Zeph said as I rolled my eyes.

"Why you not answering the phone?" 

"It's dead, I didn't bring my charger and none of these dumb asses thought to bring theirs."

"Nigga you didn't bring yours either, we equally dumb." Sef coughed laughing.

"You good though? What happened?"

"I'm hungry."

"What you want?"

"Jamaican food." 

"Get dress, I'll be there in like ten minutes."

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