reality: o n e

57 10 0

after the end of
the last period sounded, today,
i noticed
you were the first to leave the classroom.

i am in your economics class,
i don't think, you
ever noticed me, but
that's okay, my love.

i think,
you headed straight
to the library.
with such haste?
and enthusiasm?
why is that, my love?
did you need a book?

when i was walking back home, i
i saw you playing idly with
a soccer ball, flowers in hand
in that park, opposite to our school.
you were alone.

you were sitting on the bench, and
looked almost as morose as
the bench, it self.
the bench, you see, looked so
fragile and worn, to me.
but, surprisingly, it
still, appreciably held your weight.
i think, the creepers,
those creepers of the banayan tree, towering over the bench,
actually keeping up the bench.
i don't know.

my love,
where you waiting for someone today?
i hope,
they showed up on time, because
later, today, when i
went back
to sit on that same bench, you
weren't there, anymore.

when i was about to get up, to leave, though,
a rustle sounded beneath my feet.
i looked down to spot,
those same white lilies, you
were clutching on to, this morning.

dirt had caught onto it,
it's same white colour, no more in
it's possession.
some of its petals, were torn away, as if many
like me,
had, continuously set their foot on it.

why did you leave it, sprawled on the ground, like that, my love?

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