Demigods React 7

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Chiron called us to the big house. "suprise", he said. "the gods was actually care about chu kids and want u to get a great education :D they want you to go to Goode high, and be real teenagers".

Jason: suprise suprise...

Hazel: ugh, this again...

"also, we bring  Annabeth bak to lief."
We all looked behind him and saw annabel there. "oh hi friends :D" she said. She's so stupid and annoying, shes even a terrible fighter. I cud beat her any tiem and place in fightung.

Piper: rude much?

Percy: I know, right?

"OK so liek, u get a mansion to live in while u go school dere with Neco an Thalia and Rachel and yeh. " chiron sed. "and remember, have fun kids, because this school should be... Goode" he said making terrible pun. I grabbed all mah weapons and mah majikal stuffs and got ready for school.


Frank: Let's calm down... Heh

The next day, we all had cool cars to drive to school, because we all knew how to drive on out first time and we were great, even with no license.
"hey hawty ur hot and stuff, come and date mee" a popular girl said. Then I said "sorry, persassys taken" and she said "I wasn't asking u, I was asking persassy" and he said "it's Tru I'm taken" and teh poplr girl stompt awqy.

Leo: so, your name is persassy now?


Then, we saw two girls and they found a big doggy tihng to! And they were figting it with rainbow magoc
They killed the dogand then I ran up to tem.

Annabeth: . . . theyarenotdoggies,theyarehellhoundsomgs

Piper: rainbow magic?... OK...

"hey ur demigods" I said. And they said "oh we know we is daughter of rainbow iris" and they also said "I'm Maya and I'm Gracie, Maya and Gracie unicorn rainbow light red orange yellow green Blu but no purple rainbow kittycat google email" and I said "wow cool names, but im stil coolr"

Frank: coolr?

Jason: I know...

and they stayed with us at the mansion bcuz their parents abandoned them too, just like me and aqua, and speaking of aqua, she decided to come wif us to the school!

Percy: yippee... 😭

Hazel: It'll get better, Percy... I think?

But then, me Gracie and Maya fainted because of the shock they were demigods and because they were gonna stay with. Us

Leo: of course they did. /-/

Annabeth: icantkeepreading,illdie

Piper: if we have to read, so do you


Percy: why can't aqua go awayyyyyyyyy

Jason: there's no annoying daughter of Zeus

*author from the deep black abyss*: yet

Piper: Oh no...


Hazel: kmwjeikejaowpwkdo

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