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So, I go's to mountain now for dragon juce

It was a super duper hard and longggg gggg jurney

I mean, it tooked me all day long! I had to go to the mountain and then clime it and then slay the dragon which was supes EZ

Yeah, I slayedit soooooooooo fast like POOOW POW

and den dragons dead and then I took its blood (the blood is its dragons juice, did u not no???) and put it in a cut I conveniently had in my bagpak

Then, I went back to camphalfblood and then I looked for persassy

But he wasn't there

I serched hi and low and stuffs like in the movies but they not there

But then I saw tem:

chaos armee

They had selenea and Luke and Zoe and persy!

'peerrcee! I gits ur juice, u don't gotta do this, annabeth said she likes u, which I don't belive bc she stupid but u can't be with caos army'. I saaid

'silvr don't u see? All de campers hate me bc u got me pregnant and now I can't bear to show my fayce here :(

' but Annabef u no lev her, don't u
-gag- like annaboob? '

' well yeh I does like her but dis is my famlee now, I travel and kill the monsters with my new friends and my son or dotter will be in choas arme 2:

'b but-

' I GTG silver, I so sorry, tell annabutt I wuv er and 👋👋👋 byeee'

And with tat persy jackson........

Was gone.

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