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I couldn't believ my i's, is like lots fireflies lolz haha jkkkk

But rlly tho

I couldn't believe it. Persy broked up wit me, and he wasn't sorry bout it.

I walked super sads while being sa d and I ran into annabth!


'you got persy pregnat :'( I'm sad'

'idc, I just wanna know how did u make persea love u?'

'Percy wuvs me again? Awwwee I still love him ish just hardz to take it D: MY confoosing boyfrien gets prego? Liek woot?'

'idc, tell mee'

'I just tink persy likes me furr me?'

ZTat didn't help, she anoying she need to go a way.

So I left anniemerth and went to find pirsy

I found him and he was criing


'Silver, I love annbth!'


'Annabeth and I wer bent to bee together, I luv 'er


' yeh sry lol'

Then I ran away again

I ran nd rin and ram but then I saw him krnos

'hay ur Makin persy not like mee'

'lol what'

'now diieeeeee'

Stabby stabs woo that was so easy persy must b rlly week if he couldn't kill cronus on first tiem

Anyway, den I went bacon camp

And saw leoh

'Lee O, persy preggyb wat dk I do'

'O silver u made a mistke u gotta undo it'

'but I WUV prsy

' yah gotta let persy be with annibeth


So I went to gets dragon juice and return persy to not pregnant

Dis was gonna be harrrrddd

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