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hey silver here, and aqua has been actingg strange, like she's working for Kronos and is really a spy because her parents disowned her too and she has no one left but she wants to stop because she has her brother now, Percy an- WAIT A MINUET, SHE HAS PERCY, AND PERSY OS MINE. I'LL KILL HER!
I sneakily headed over to to poosidon cabin, my DAGGOR I'm my hand and I used my invisibility cloak I stol from a kid in England. Anywahs Percy was out for the day so I could easily kill this chick. I sneakily creaked the door open and sneakily creeped towards her bed. She was sleeping.
To easy, we need a dramatic fight and stuff...
I shook her awake and she said "oh mah gods, yah scared meh so much liek ohmagod" and I said "your not geting away this time, whyy are u spying for kronos".
"Oh no u found out. " she replid. I said "tell me why ur evil spy, oh that rhymes"
And she replied "it's just *sniffle* all mah family is gone, and I lived under a bridge, too bcuz my dad would give me only $100000 instead of $100000000,and I mean, who could live off of that? I ran away because he hated me so much and ten, dere was dis huge doggeh thing,, because only helhounds are aloud to exist in cliche fanfiction world, and I killed it wif my magic skillz " she said."after taht, Kronos was liek, here u spy for meh and I said sure" she said. No wonder why she was spying. Her past was so tragic. So SAD. I started crying while she did too. Then, we passed out from crying because the author has no other way of ending this chappy.

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