Demigods React 4

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Rachel came from out of no where and she turned all creepy liek green mistyness and weird old hag voice with a Prophecy. Everyone was so surprised and couldn't figure out what it ment. It was the biggest prophecy in history, tho.

Annabeth: maybe it's somthing like, the Daughter of Artemis will die, and then we'll all have a party...

Piper: Heh, if that was the prophecy, I dont think anyone would complain.

She turned old lady and said
"the daughter of Artemis will be the best and defeat evil and the daughter of Athena will die, Bcuz why not, and then, daughter of Artemis will marry persassy and live in a huge mansion, then get tacos, but after, they will become immortal bcz the gods luv tem"

Rachel: Old lady?

Percy: I'm so sorry...

Rachel: No... I'm sorry... That that terrible prophecy came out of my mouth, and into the world...

and she fainted liek I do all the time. I sed "wow the daughter of Artemis must b me" and Percy said "and ima marry you, but wut duz it mean, dah best" he asked.

Hazel: what....?

Annabeth: Percy...

Annaboob sed "I'm not gonna die, I love Percy and my friends and blah lah blah" and I said "annabel well miss you greatly
... NOT" and she died of natural causes and said before she died "I love you Percy, and I'll wait for you in Elysium." and Percy said "I'll be in alysium but I love silver now, sry lol, insert baby seal face"

Annabeth: PERCY... ANNABOOB?


After we burned the body, me and Percy stood together. "silver, I feel bad abou annabob... I know she's not my girlfriend anymur buh I loyal to my friends and she's my friend and stuff and I was meen..." It took a moment for it to sink in.

Leo: Oh slaaaamm, you just got-


Piper: Heh, sucks to be you

"I can't belive you ugly cheater u dddiiiiIIIEEE AHAHHHHHHGGGG" and I attacked him and he got unconscious

Frank: She what?

Percy: How did she... How could she... Ugh

then woke up and send I'm so sorry for over reacting and I sed "it's ok I still luv you, now that annabox is out of the picter". Now Percy was my boyfriend, and no one could take him away :D

Piper: so close to Percy dumping her... Ugh, sorry Annabeth...

Annabeth: PERCY

Leo: run.

Jason: *plays music as Percy runs away*

Frank: Annabox...?

Hazel: Its part of the clicheness, Frank

Percy: *runs away* Please dont kill me...

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