chApt3r 9

56 2 0

Hey gal pals, silver here, and I'm  bak onece again! Anyways, I have a Coolio  stori 2 tell. And dis story... Is 2 kool 4 u,, hHHehheheheh

Anyways, heres how it wented.

So, bethanna died, AGAIN. LIKE, UGH, CAN SHE NOT TRY TO TAKE THE SPOTLIGHT EVERY MINUTE? OK, so Percy was supersad, but Idk why, like, he's with me now, anywayas. So persasy was sa d and den he was all
'annabeth I so sorreh for bein mean, I shud of luved u and stuff, a d now ur ded' and I was jus like um no, bc he's mine now. So I punched him and broked up wit him and stuck with Jason and leo and niko Las angelus, or watever his name is, and den, I saw tem! They got hoods on and I knew dey were chaos army. And s
Dere was luke and silena and other ded people. And get dis, annabazel was dere, can u belive that? So they all 'Annabeth cam bak for PERSY bc Tru love and awhwwhhe' and he and Annabeth kissed! And den, get dis, he walked right past me! Like UGH

Anyways, I told annabeep to bak off, 'u need to get out, old hag' and she gave me dis evil look wif her gray eyees and she told me PERSY OS HERS. it's not like I broke up wif prcy, so wad do I do?

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