Chapter 16

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*Maheshwari Pov*

"I am really fine. Please, you need not do this." I said, pleading him when he walked into my room the second night.

"What's your problem?" he asked in an irritated tone.

My problem is I don't want to wake up again in your arms, Mr. Singh. It is completely wrong with you loving my Di.

"I am not wishing to be here too." Saying that he left and I sighed laying back on the bed.

This whole day he was literally breathing on my neck getting breakfast and lunch and even dinner delivered and called me on time to downstairs along with checking on me in the middle.

I closed my eyes and immediately sat up remembering the way that guy touched me and... god! I thought, rubbing my arms and glanced at the door.

No! I will not do anything stupid like asking him or anything. He is just my boss! I mumbled to myself and stood up from the bed before covering myself with the blanket.

I walked out of the room and tiptoed downstairs without making a sound. I reached the living room and switched on the television immediately muting it so that he will not hear.

"Well, maybe I will feel tired watching this and will sleep off without any nightmares." I mumbled and started watching an English movie in mute depending on subtitles.

"What are you doing here?" I got startled hearing a voice when it was complete silence for quite some time.

"Movie!" I replied, patting my back and didn't even glanced up.

"Go and sleep." He said and just before my eyes, he switched off the television.

"I wanted to watch that." I said, staring at him with a frown.

"I am not going to give you any leaves and you are supposed to get well before Monday. As it is past midnight, you have only one day to get better. Now, go to your room and sleep." He said folding his arms.

"I don't want to sleep." I said, folding my arms and he immediately let his arms fall.

"Don't or can't?" he asked, raising his eyebrow.

"I am fine!" I replied again like from morning to him and to James and Di who came in between to see how was I doing.

"It's a good thing because you are going to stand and move towards your room as you are fine." He said and I didn't move at all.

"You just go and sleep, Mr. Singh." I said frowning.

"So, you are not fine to get yourself up and walk. Do I have to carry you again? I will do that then." He said and moved near to me, but I scrambled away from him getting up from the couch before rushing to the stairs.

"Maa!" I whispered, placing a hand on my back.

"We should have gone to the doctor today." His voice reached me but I shook my head.

"Just a bruise." I mumbled and started climbing the stairs.

"How do you know?" he asked following me.

"Because I saw it." I replied and felt like pushing him away.

Why is he so keen on making me feel uncomfortable? I thought, frowning and reached my room and before I can step inside, he placed a hand before me blocking the entrance.

"How could you see it?" he asked and I frowned at him before letting out the thought.

"Why are you making me uncomfortable, Mr. Singh?" I asked and he literally stilled before staring at me with blank face but his jaw was twitching.

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