Chapter 23

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*Maheshwari Pov*

I glanced to my left the moment stepping into the cabin and sighed in relief for the curtains otherwise I would definitely go mad with his looks he recently acquired from the past two days. I sat in my chair and leaned back feeling mentally tired for sure.

Why all this is happening in the first place? How can he even love me and that too from the beginning? How can he not love Di at all?

I thought he was attracted to her when he called her by the name she said close people do and then he crazily accepted marriage proposal and wedding within two weeks.

Wait! I thought sitting straight in my chair and rewinded the questions. He wanted to marry Di and would have if not for our intervention.

Does he think I am so stupid? I thought, fuming but sat quietly. Maybe... maybe like James said that time, the company he would have acquired was important.

He must have realized if he marries Di then he would get the company and decided to marry her. What a business minded, he is?

And from these two days he is acting as if he got everything he want. I snorted and controlled my anger. Next time if he will say he loves me or does any of the things he was doing then I will ask him this.

With that thought, I continued with my work, leaving all the thoughts about him and walked into his cabin after knocking only to see him smiling at me.

"Clients will be here in a few minutes as per schedule, Mr. Singh. I have arranged everything and please check if it is fine or anything is missing." I said placing the file on his table.

I nodded at him while he continued to stare at me and turned around before walking to the door. However the moment I opened the door, he said, "Okay, Mrs. Singh!" and I stiffened with his words.

I recovered immediately and left the cabin holding the extra file. I reached the reception knowing well the clients are important and didn't want them to give any objections because of the hospitality.

"Thank you, Ms. Guptha." One of them said when we walked into the meeting room where Mr. Singh just reached.

He opened his mouth, but I shook my head at him, hoping this meeting will not end up with this declaration of marriage and everything.

"That went well." He whispered when the meeting finished and I nodded at him.

I again walked with the clients along with him when they were leaving and we both returned back in silence.

"Is everything okay? You seem to be too occupied?" he asked, holding my hand when we reached his cabin.

I wish I can ask him the main question right now, but this is work place and I can't step out of professionalism even though it seems he doesn't have any thoughts like that with him moving his other hand to my cheek.

"Mr. Singh!" I said, moving away and walked into the cabin.

I ignored everything from my thoughts and concentrated on the work he gave but pushed it away when it was time for lunch and my phone is blazing.

"Hello?" I asked, lifting the call not looking at the caller ID.

"Maha! I hope you are not busy." Came the reply.

"Di? Is everything okay? I knew something was wrong. You were very quiet today. What happened?" I asked, frowning.

"So, you know your sister then?" she asked, trying to lighten the tone but I know she is disturbed.

"Fine! I need to ask you something." She said when I didn't comment anything.

"Ask anything, Di." I said, hoping nothing is wrong.

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