Chapter 45

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*James Pov*

"So, Nakul and Maha are not divorced?" this question actually surprised me because that is just not the matter I explained to her.

"No! He hasn't even come to the court." I replied and she nodded with a blank expression.

I moved my hand to push her hair back and immediately felt her jaw tightened when I touched her cheek. So, she is actually angry, but hiding it or trying to control it.

"I can understand about that because he is the one who applied for an annulment and Maha asked Dad to do as per Nakul's wish." She mumbled to herself and then narrowed her eyes.

"Dad knows about all this!" she stated and I nodded to which she shook her head.

"What I don't understand is, how are we not divorced when I was the one who filed for this and I also asked my lawyer to go ahead with it?" she asked looking at me and suddenly my worry about her reaction turned into anger.

"Yeah! I saw how much you wanted to finish off this marriage." I said, snorting and moved away to sit at the other end but she continued to stare at me.

"Nakul already cancelled the annulment, but I was given a summons to come to the court and I did come there." I added when she didn't utter a word.

"And?" she asked, frowning.

"And I met with your Dad and lawyer. We realized Nakul was not there and called him. He just said there is no way in which there could an annulment between Maha and him. So, our case was called." I continued.

"And? This is not some story telling time, James. You can just say it off without pausing for dramatic effects." She scolded, making me move my hands and pull her to me.

She struggled, but I held her tightly until she settled with her glare. I nodded and laid both of us back on the bed realizing she will definitely kill me if given a chance after I tell her what happened.

"When I was asked am I sure that the marriage has no chance, I turned the tables. I said 'our marriage has every chance, but my wife never did anything to make it work. She even didn't fulfil the six month trial'." I explained and she stiffened.

"The judge asked your Dad to whom I already said I will not divorce you. And he accepted that you didn't finish the six month trial. So, now they gave you the summons back to not go against the judgement and try to work on the marriage." I added.

"I didn't receive anything." She finally whispered.

"I asked your Dad not to give you anything. He realized your happiness is with me and accepted." I said shrugging.

"Happiness? Happiness? Really? I didn't work on the marriage? Wow! Yeah, I mean, how can a pleading to continue our marriage, which got kicked off because of a mistake can be considered as that." She said and this time pushed me away with full force before moving towards the edge to leave.

"I am not saying that I gave all honest answers there, stupid." I said, holding her waist and pulled her back with force making her fall over me.

"I did everything to not get our marriage to end. I thought you didn't want to separate from me or am I wrong in all this, Swathi?" I asked, holding her hair and pulled it to make her look at me directly.

"And don't even think about annulment because we just consummated our marriage." I added when she continued to stare at me.

And then I realized it was the wrong thing to say because she immediately held my hair with her hand in a tight grip with a furious expression.

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