Chapter 8

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*Maheshwari Pov*

"What the hell, this man is saying? I am supposed to live here?" we heard Di's voice the moment we stepped out of the car.

"Because that is my house." James said and glanced at Nakul and me.

"I am not living here in this small house." She stated and he shrugged while I stood in silence.

"Nakul! You take Maha and go inside." He said, but resulted in receiving a glare from Nakul.

Nakul just walked off and James gestured me to follow him, to which I too glared at him but did the same. I need to talk to Nakul before everything goes out of our way.

However, the moment I was about to step inside I saw too many arrangements for the bride to be welcomed.

"Remove all this right now." Nakul ordered and a one male servant and one female rushed to remove the red liquid filled plate, the rice bowl and everything else.

"I will be in my study room and do not allow anyone inside it." He added to them and walked away towards a room to the right.

"Madam! Sir's room is in the second floor. Shall I show the room?" the female servant asked.

"Actually, can you get the all luggage that was brought to this house?" I asked remembering the luggage is Di's.

They both nodded and walked away while I turned back to see Di still leaning on the car rubbing her temples while James talking on his phone standing very far from her.

I walked near to James and he paused before gesturing me to speak. I nodded clearing my throat and said, "Stay in this house only along with Di."

"No!" he stated but I sighed.

"Please! She is already angry and frustrated. This house is too big for any number of people to live." I pleaded and he shook his head.

"No matter how close I am with Nakul, I never forgot my position. I am his employee and this outhouse is also too much for me. Anyway, I have a feeling I lost the friendship with him too because of all this." He said looking away and I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Still just think about it." I mumbled and I can see it is impossible for him to change his mind.

"See, Nakul? How much in love they are? Even after getting married to some other people they are cozy." We heard my Di's voice and turned to see her still standing near her car, but then glanced at the mansion door to see Nakul with his hands inside his pockets with a blank expression.

"We are sorry, Sir." The man servant said whom I saw standing before Nakul.

"I told you I don't want any disturbance. Then what were you doing dragging all this luggage?" Nakul asked him.

"Madam asked us to bring the luggage down, which was in your room." He replied and Nakul glanced at me.

"Your both work is not to follow any person's orders but only mine. Leave them there and go to do the work of the house." Nakul said, and the man walked away along with the lady.

"Already throwing me out, Maha?" Di asked and I shook my head immediately.

"Di! I just asked them to bring them from his room and was asking James to shift to the house so that you can stay here only." I replied and saw her stiffening along with another person.

"I don't want any noise." Nakul stated and walked back inside while I sighed.

"It is best if your Di is not inside with him. You don't know everything that I got to know before the wedding." James said in a whisper.

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