Chapter 22

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*Nakul Pov*

"Put me down!" she said the moment we reached her room, but I continued to walk to my room and walked in.

"Please, put me down." She said this time in a pleading tone.

"Why?" I whispered with her face near to my shoulder.

"Why not? I mean, why did you lift me? Why am I even here?" she asked, moving her head to stare at my face.

"Because I want to and I also want to talk to my wife in privacy." I replied and she literally flinched.

"You are my wife." I pointed out frowning.

"Yeah! But not by our wish and also just for a few months." She pointed back and I sighed before sitting on the bed but not releasing her.

"Mr. Singh!" she said, trying to move away from my hold, but I didn't let her staring at her face.

"Look, I know you are angry at her, but I am in no way, taking the wrath of it." She stated and I smiled at her.

"Is this how a person takes their wrath?" I asked, brushing my lips on her cheek and then moved to her Jaw.

"No! I mean, maybe. I mean, I don't know." She replied increasing her hold around my neck and I returned the gesture by tightening my grip even more.

"Can I... can I sit on the bed?" she asked after a second.

"Sure! But wait for sometime." I replied, still moving my lips around her face and then gave a peck before tucking her head under my chin.

We sat like that in silence with her so frozen, but I was not at all frozen with the relief in my heart. She doesn't know what happened today is nothing but a gift for me.

"You can sit." I said, releasing my hold and she immediately jumped away from me before taking a place on the bed a little away from me.

I stood up suddenly feeling restless how to tell her how I am feeling. I paced a little thinking how I was waiting there dreading what else could be their reason for all this.

However, it turned out her reason is to save me and not something else for herself. God! I thought sending a prayer for relieving me from this pain and for being with me from the beginning.

I turned to stare at her while she fidgeted with her hands and tried to look at everything around except my face making me smile again.

She didn't want money! She didn't want some revenge! She just wanted to help me. Well, maybe that is not best like her suddenly falling for me and doing this but it is a start for me.

"Why did you slapped me today?" I asked her and she frowned at me.

"Why shouldn't I? You suddenly kissed me and then said you love me and then you realized I was not the person you thought you were kissing and saying those words. I got angry and slapped you." She replied, folding her arms looking so cute.

"Yes! I was shocked, but because I thought you were a dream and not real beside me and then realized you were real." I explained and her eyes widened in shock.

"But... but how could you?" she asked in an accusing tone.

"How could I not?" I asked her frowning.

"You... you loved Di and I mean you love her then how can you say you love me? Love is not something simple to shift from one person to another easily." She replied frowning and I sighed.

"Well, then it's a good thing that I never loved your sister." I said shrugging and if I think a person can stay without breathing then this was the moment.

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