Chapter 7

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*Swathi Pov*

I can't believe I am doing this! I thought, feeling irritated with the second thoughts that are entering my head since morning.

What am I doing? How can I marry a guy whom I hate this much? How can I do any of it? I continued to question myself.

I closed my eyes and remembered my Mom lying on the hospital bed fighting for her life while my Dad holding her hand, crying. Then to the other side Maha's Mom Parvathi was staring blankly with tears rolling down and Maha, standing beside me with tears.

And then I heard the monitor, stopping with my Dad's anguish cries. I just lost my Mom and... and I wanted to shout but just couldn't.

I opened my eyes, feeling someone placing a hand on my shoulder. I glanced at the priest to see him, gesturing with my hand and I did before everything continued.

No! I have to marry this murderer and make him pay for all the tears he made the others release. I promise that Nakul will feel the pain worse than any of us.

With that determination, I continued to sit quietly pushing away all the second thoughts. I am getting married today, but it will not be a real one for my heart.

After everything finishes, I can finally live my life with free of this hatred and maybe fall in love. I then felt myself standing up and we started taking pheras while holding his hand.

Your business, your happiness, and everything will be ruined until you feel the regret of what you did to the core. I promised to myself and sat back down.

Within a few minutes, I felt the sindhoor on my forehead with my head bent down with my veil not removed.

"Sign here!" a person asked, walking towards us with marriage register whom my Dad asked Nakul to call so that the registration happens immediately.

I signed where he pointed and passed it to Nakul before glancing at Dad who has a satisfied look. I smiled to myself and while the registrar moved to the other couple.

After everything I am sure Nakul will be in no position to have James as his employee. So, Dad already applied a position for him at our company so that Maha will not be troubled.

"Take the blessings of your parents." The priest said and I stood up before looking to my right to see Maha and James too stood up.

We four walked to my Dad and Mom to see them both smiling at us with Mom having tears in her eyes. She walked towards me along with Dad first and we took blessings before they moved towards Maha.

"You both can remove the caps now. I know you both protested too much about them." Dad said and Mom chuckled before we all heard two sighs of relief making me smile.

But then I heard a small gasp, making me frown and I looked at Mom to see her shocked expression while Dad is frowning at her.

"What happened?" he asked her and her hands shivered before she removed my veil and Maha's who is standing to my right.

"What?" Dad too shouted and I frowned more at him, but felt relief finally able to breathe with that heavy veil not covering my face.

It is better if I leave soon, I thought and turned towards my so called husband saying, "Nakul!" but the words got cut in my throat seeing the person before me.

"What are you doing here? Why are you standing in Nakul's space?" I asked, frowning at James and then glanced at his sherwani to see him having the pink cloth.

"What? How could this happen? How could the grooms be exchanged?" I asked and felt my breath quicken.

This is all a dream, right? I thought closing my eyes and opened them to see still James standing there.

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