Chapter 20

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*Swathi Pov*

I was still fuming when James started dragging me out of the restaurant and stood there for a second before pushing me in a car.

"How dare he?" I whispered when James started driving and I closed my eyes.

"I was right from the beginning wasn't I? You don't have a filter in your mouth when you get angry." He commented, but I ignored him trying to control my anger.

"Where are you going?" he asked when I started walking towards the main house.

"I will not leave him alone for talking all that rubbish." I replied, not turning around but before I can reach the door he held my waist and dragged me back.

"Didn't you see how upset he was and shocked hearing your words?" he asked, but I fought him as hard as I can.

"That's it!" he said when I punched him and lifted me up as usual before walking to the outhouse.

"Let me go!" I screamed but he just locked the door behind him and walked to the room before throwing me on the bed.

"Talk to him in the morning." He ordered to which I glared.

"I don't care if he is upset and why is he anyway. It's not like he doesn't know what he did. It's just identity, he has no idea about." I pointed out and he sighed.

"He loves you stupid woman. Of course he will be upset." He shouted when I again moved to get down.

"But... but you taunted me saying he doesn't have any such feelings for me anymore in one of our fights." I said frowning.

"He said that, but a few days after our so called water fight, he warned me to stay away from you saying he loves you when we were in the gym." He said and I frowned.

"Is that the reason this week you were never here or never uttered a word?" I asked him thinking he is stupid and he immediately shook his head.

"No! I had other important work." He replied shaking his head.

"I don't care, James. He talked rubbish about my Mom when he is the reason because of which she died." I said hugging myself.

"And you know all this, didn't you? You even knew I planned for his revenge because of which all this grooms reversal occurred? How did you find out? That father of his informed you already or what?" I continued to question and he frowned hearing my words.

"When did you realize?" he asked and I gave a laugh.

"After we had our so called water fight. It seems like, you too don't have a filter in your mouth after getting angry." I replied and he sighed.

"Wait till morning before doing any more nuisance." He ordered and walked out of the room.

After a few minutes, I realized what actually happened today. I groaned covering my face and shook my head.

God! I just blurted out everything to him and now nothing can be done like nothing. How stupid can I even be? I thought groaning more.

Dad will kill me if he finds out what actually happened and actually I will kill myself for being this stupid. I was right from the beginning that I am a very bad spy and good with only those fabrics.

"Realized the result?" I heard the mocking tone and I changed my plan to kill him before killing myself.

"Stop with that groaning and have the food." He said and I looked up to see him placing a plate filled with egg rice.

"From where did you got this?" I asked him, frowning even though my stomach is grumbling.

"Do you want food or details?" he asked back and I calmly had some of it before getting up from the bed.

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