250 (The Maze Runner)

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Newt (The Maze Runner) The Death Cure, chapter 55

Newt pov

I look horrid.

I know I do.

My skin is covered in red welts and patches of my hair have been ripped off, exposing my scalp. My clothes have turned to torn, beat-up rags and my body is covered in bruises.

I can hardly even distinguish between emotions anymore. What I think to be the feeling of fear at the realization of what's happening to me quickly turns to anger, and my head aches constantly. When I feel the incredibly strong urge to scream at nothing in particular I am forced to come to terms with the sickening truth:

I am becoming one of them.

I have the Flare.

I am a Crank.

I am going to die.

For weeks I've told myself that maybe there really is a cure, maybe there is a way to fight it, but every time I've tried to fight the disease it's ended the same way. Falling into an unstoppable, whirling pool of insanity and confusion.

I keep telling myself that Tommy will keep his promise to me, even if I someday forget what the bloody promise was. As I sit in the blazing heat and practically bake alive, I begin to worry that he indeed has forgotten. It wouldn't surprise me, he's probably forgotten I even exist.

The sound of an engine catches my attention, and I turn my head sharply to see a large van. It clatters along the dry ground, the people seated inside bouncing along. I scan the faces inside, looking for anyone familiar, anyone.

Then I see him. Tommy. Seated like a king in the rear seat. His eyes meet mine, and for a moment I forget all the anger I've felt towards him. I want to talk to him, I just want to see him again.

But that anger soon returns as the tires of the van squeal into reverse and it begins to drive off. I should've known he wouldn't keep his promise - he probably just came here to brag about his immunity, knowing him.

But wait - he wouldn't do that.

Or maybe he would.

The confusion physically hurts, and I press my fingers to my temples to try and block out some of the pain. I try to distract myself by watching as the animals that were once humans tear something apart. They sit about fifty feet away from me, and I have no strong desire to join them. I know I will one day, but not today.

I no longer hear the van and decide to turn and see if it's gone. It has, in fact, stopped entirely. From what I can tell, it looks like an arguement is taking place inside. I scoff and turn away. It can't possibly concern me.

The door clicks open and I hear a familiar voice say, "Cover me. I have to do this." I don't bother to turn. It's not even worth it. One of the men inside the van says something I can't hear, and the familiar voice mumbles, "Good that," in response.

I hear faint footsteps behind me, and decide now would be a fair time to turn. I watch as Tommy walks toward me, looking the same as he did when I first met him. He pauses halfway, appearing truly disturbed as he takes in my rabid appearance.

"Hey, Newt. It's me, Thomas. You still remember me, right?" he says timidly.

Something, almost like a switch, goes off in my brain and it's as if I suddenly have returned to normal for a moment. I think Tommy notices too, and almost looks like he wants to take a step back.

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