Bitten Part 3

15 3 21

Song: "See What I've Become" by Zach Hemsey

Peter pov

The morning air was chilly, and Peter was grateful for his hoodie. He kept his hands stuffed in his pockets as he made his way to the store, listening to the music blaring loudly through his earbuds. His reflections was a wavy blur as he passed by the numerous tall buildings, and he kept his head low.

Peter pulled out his list, scanning over it once more. Bread, milk, eggs; all basic stuff, he thought to himself before stuffing it away.

Peter shouldered past a couple, and that same feeling that had occured when he woke up this morning came back over him. That feeling as if every hair on his body suddenly stood up. Something very bad was about to happen.

His reflexes acted before his brain; it was almost like he had gained a quicker reflex of sensing danger. Peter whipped around to face the couple, throwing his hand forward to catch the arm of the tall, burly man.

The man, whose other hand was tightly gripping a young woman's wrist, turned to Peter and huffed, "What are you doing, kid?"

Peter didn't release his grip. "I. . .I don't really know, sir," he gulped. The young woman looked to Peter, pleading for help with her eyes. He decided he needed to do something, that his reflexes were right.

"Well then, let go," the man insisted with a chuckle, attempting to wrench his arm away.

Peter shook his head, looking at the young woman once more, "I-I can't, sir. I don't, uh, I don't think she wants to go with you," he said, his voice quaking as he nodded towards the woman.

"Look kid," the man snorted, "she doesn't know what she wants. Now leave me alone." He yanked his arm from Peter's grip, with a bit of difficulty.

Peter grabbed his arm once more, tighter this time. He still wasn't entirely sure as to what he was doing, but he knew it was right. "I think you should let her go," Peter said, hoping his high, shaky voice sounded at least somewhat intimidating.

"Let go of me," the man demanded, trying and failing to pull his arm back to his side.

Peter shook his head. "Not until you leave her alone," he said.

Peter knew this was going to end badly, and was proven right when the man finally let go of the woman, swinging his free hand towards Peter's face. Peter dodged it with ease, arching back slightly and turning to the right.

He let go of the man's arm, and yelled at the woman to run. She didn't hesitate, and took off.

"Look what you did!" the man growled, charging towards Peter.

Peter jumped up and did a flawless front flip over the man, who stared at him in horror. I think I could get used to this, Peter thought.

The man, no longer hesitating, threw a punch aimed at Peter's nose. Peter caught the man's fist in his hand, proceeding to bend his arm away from his body, sending him to the ground.

The man stood back up but backed away from Peter, who couldn't help but notice that the man seemed slightly nervous. The man was sweating buckets, much unlike Peter who felt as though he could do this all day.

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