Te Duem Part 5

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Continuation of Te Duem

Mulder pov

June 13th 1998, FBI field office, Washington D.C., 8:47 a.m.

"Sorry I'm late," Mulder said as he entered his oh-so familiar basement office. "But I was up late doing a little research and I managed to ignore my alarm." He dropped multiple envelopes and papers on top of his desk, mostly consisting of bills he didn't plan on paying and letters from the pen pal he was now regretting from the academy.

Scully raised her eyebrows. "Well, was your 'research' at least productive?" she inquired, sounding slightly terrified to hear what it was he was researching. "Or was it just another lonely night spent on-"

"No, it wasn't," Mulder said, cutting her off. He bent forward towards one of his desk drawers, and his dress shirt rubbed irritably against the still-healing burn on his back. He felt himself wince, and was almost positive Scully had noticed.

And sure enough, she did. She sighed loudly. "I talked to Agent Reyes and Agent Doggett this morning," she said. "They're still willing to take the case, if you need more time off."

Mulder stood upright, squaring his shoulders. "I told you already, I don't need time off. And anyway, we don't even know this Agent Roggett and Deyes, or whoever they are. Aren't they new around here?"

"Doggett and Reyes, Mulder," Scully corrected him with a stiff chuckle, folding her arms across her chest. "And yes, they're fairly new, I believe. Agent Doggett is a retired cop and I recall Agent Reyes saying she did something with religious phenomena. Sounds like your type."

Mulder stuck his first finger in the air. "Ah, but my specialty is paranormal phenomena. The religious stuff is more your thing," he countered, then added to Scully's surprise, "But go ahead and give them the murder case. I've got another case anyway. Skinner already gave me the go-ahead." Scully stared as Mulder smirked, flopping down into his desk chair and picking up one of the many pencils sprawled across his desk. He twirled it between his fingers as he asked, "Now, aren't you even slightly curious to know what I was researching?"

Scully raised her eyebrows again. "Am I curious?" she retorted, her tone mocking. "If Skinner cleared it then it has to be good, so enlighten me."

Mulder set the pencil back onto his desk. He placed his first two fingers on a piece of paper laying on the desk, sliding it towards his partner. She picked it up suspiciously, quickly scanning the paper with her tongue pressing on the inside of her cheek.

"Weird worm dot com?" she inquired incredulously.

Mulder shifted his weight forward slightly. "Just keep reading," he insisted.

Scully stared at her partner for a moment before continuing. "A Sigbin is a mythological creature of Phillipine mythology, known for violently attacking humans all while remaining virtually unseen," she drawled, dropping the paper back on the desk and giving Mulder a dirty glare.

He picked the paper up in frustration, although he had no need to read it. "It also can induce nausea in its victims and is commonly found in abandoned houses or buildings. It can be owned and controlled by people knows as 'Sigbinans' and can be unleashed on predators, or perhaps, people threatening its or its controller's house. And, anything it's hands come into contact with will turn invisible as long as the contact is held. Makes sense if you ask me," he said with a shrug. "It can't be seen, attacks people and makes them sick, and hides out in abandoned buildings. Meets all our criteria," he said, holding up three fingers momentarily before letting his hand drop back down to his side.

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