Mondays (Mulder×Scully)

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Dana Scully (The X-Files) × Fox Mulder (The X-Files)

In case you are interested in watching the series, this contains no spoilers so you can safely read it.

Scully pov

Charleston, South Carolina: 9:00 a.m. August 19th 1997

Dana Scully quickly dressed herself in the small hotel room. Her shoulder-length red hair was not cooperating today, and she sprayed it down in a frenzy. I should have expected this, she told herself, it's Monday!

Special Agent Dana Scully worked as a medical examiner and scientist for the FBI and was running quite late this morning. She was due to meet her partner, Special Agent Fox Mulder at nine thirty and it was already nine fifteen. The pair were working on a case involving an Islamic terrorist who had just disappeared before everyone's eyes. That's right, vanished into thin air.

Fox Mulder, or just Mulder as his peers referred to him, ran a rather unique program at the FBI - the x-files. The x-files were a series of unsolved cases of paranormal instances. Mulder was a firm believer in the paranormal and that perhaps humans weren't alone in the universe after his sister's supposed abduction when he was a young boy.

Scully, as Mulder referred to her, was paired with Mulder four years ago to provide a scientific analysis of his work; in other words, to debunk the x-files project. Scully considered herself a skeptic and an equalizer to Mulder's sometimes preposterous theories, as did pretty much everyone else.

Scully grabbed her car keys off of the small, round table and hurried out if her room to her silver sedan. South Carolina wasn't too horrible; its government even gave her a fairly decent car to drive. She shifted into drive and took off, speeding only slightly.

As she drove she recklessly checked her phone to discover six new missed calls from her partner. Thankfully, she had Mulder on speed dial and easily pressed the "1" button to dial his number.

"Come on," she muttered through gritted teeth as the phone went to voicemail, one, two, three times. Scully tossed the small cell phone into the passenger seat, hoping that it wouldn't ring now that she had thrown it so far away.

Scully pulled up to the sight of the vanishing, astounded by the amount of police lights she saw. There had to be at least a dozen police cruisers, and she couldn't even pull her car up close enough to see what was happening. Frustrated, she shoved her pistol in the pocket of her pants and stepped out of her car into the already blazing morning heat.

The sun was already extremely bright. Scully shielded her eyes with her hand as she began walking, hoping to adjust to the brightness. As she neared the scene of the crime, Scully began to hear shouting - urgent shouting.

"Drop your weapon!"

"Drop it right now!"

None of the voices belonged to her partner, however. Oh God, she thought, please tell me he hasn't gotten himself into too much trouble with the police. She groaned inwardly as she hurried closer, dodging stones here and there to avoid tripping in her three inch heels.

Scully fumbled inside her suit pocket for her badge as she ran. Her fingers brushed over the smooth leather as she pulled it out, flipping it open to reveal her ID and badge.

"Dana Scully, FBI," she said loudly as she approached the scene, still squinting in the bright sunlight. She could make out shadows of people, but no more.

"Agent Scully, get down!" one of the officers hissed and Scully didn't try to argue, immediately ducking down. As she lowered herself she was shaded by one of the officers and could finally see the scene before her.

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