Humble Beginnings

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I felt my phone vibrate again for the 100th time during class. I really need to focus for Monday's test, but this bozo keeps texting me non-stop! Plus school is about to end in a bit and I don't want my phone taken away at the last minute.

Just because Johnny graduated last year he thinks he has the right to annoy me during class! Seriously, he should get a job...

Johnny: I'll be waiting at the main gate, so don't take forever you loner.

What are you? My girlfriend? And what's with the loner title?

I made sure my teacher wasn't looking and using my binder as a wall, I reply in annoyance,"Ok whatever... just stop texting me already!"

I wonder what he wants so badly this time?

Minutes later, the bell rang and my teacher gave an announcement before we left to enjoy the weekend, "Remember to study for Monday. The test counts for 40% of your grade!"

Thanks for reminding me... you ruined my weekend before it even started!

At least he's not the type to say, "The bell doesn't dismiss you! I do!" How I hate those types. I walked out of my classroom and saw that everyone in the hallway talking about this new VR game that's all the rage right now.

I'll admit that it sounds cool, but I can't afford such thing! The newest VR model is almost $5,000 and it's pretty much a thing that you slap on the back of your neck instead of a helmet.

You'd think that because it's the year 2034, this type of thing would be more affordable, but boy is it wrong! There aren't even flying cars like most thought! My phone vibrated again.

Johnny: Get your butt over here! I'm tired of waiting!

I slip my phone back in my pocket and make a run for the main gate. There, a guy a year older than I am who's more on the rounder side, actually he's just round, with short dark brown hair and glasses waited by a tree. It looked like he was trying to pull off one of those 'lean-back-on-a-surface-with-your-eyes-closed-while-looking-down-with-a-stupid-grin-on-your-face' type of thing.

I don't know this person. I think he's stalking me!

He's into anime...can't say I'm not either, but there's a line between that and reality!

"Johnny. What the hell are you doing?" I said with a look of disgust.

"You see Gavin, when you're 18 and don't have to go to school anymore, you become a new person. Everything isn't the same anymore." He was so proud that it looked stupid.

I started walking away from the freaking weirdo. I don't want people to think I'm his friend."If that's what you rushed me for, then I'll be going."

He tried running after me, but ended up yelling instead, "I'm just kidding Gavin! Let's get something to eat! I'm hungry."

"There is no way I'm paying for you again..." I responded.

Johnny grabbed my neck as if chocking me, "Not even. In fact I gotchu this time!"

What?!? Johnny actually has money! Am I dreaming!?!

My vision started to blur and I felt water trickle down my cheeks. "Yea. Let's go!"

Since my highschool is right beside the big city of L.A., we usually go there after school to get something to eat, but I always end up paying for everything.

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