Crush! Crush! Crush!

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We stood in front of a cave deep in the forest. "Do I really have to go in there? That cave is dark, cold, and scary." I wasn't exactly hyped for this.

"Well so is life!" Deep... "Now build a bridge and get over it Gavin!"

According to Johnny and his 'reliable source of information', aka his dad, aka the head scientist or something, there's an Exp. Potion deep within the cave that helps you instantly gain 3 Lvls.

Not many people know about it aside from the creators and beta testers... which is unfair now that I think about it. So me being paired with Johnny finally pays off!

Although I'm kinda worried about the time, "Hey Johnny, isn't it starting to get late? What time is it back in the real world?"

"Don't worry about it! You got out at 2:30, we started around 5 it's been about 3 hours... You can do math." Honestly, I bet Alfred did his homework.

Rich lazy bastard.

Johnny started making his way inside the cave without me, "Hurry up Gavin! Or I'll leave you by yourself!"

Right when I set foot inside the dungeon, the crazy lady from before said, "Entering Goblins Hideout Enemy Lvl. 4-7."

I quickly turned my back and demanded at the sky with my sword pointed at it, "What do want from me!?!"

"Have you gone mad Gavin? Who are you yelling at?" Sometimes I wonder that myself.

Something about a voice from above watching my every move in a game makes me feel uncomfortable. "You don't hear that Lady that always states what dungeon you're entering? She's getting really annoying!"

"You know you can disable it and have banners display instead primo."

Those words were like music to my ears. For once in my life I can actually mute someone who annoys me to death! Too bad I can't do that to Johnny...

"I just go to settings right?" I pinched outward to open my holographic menu.

"Yup and after that go to accessibility and turn off 'Voiceover'."

Without wasting a second, I followed his instructions. "Thanks Johnny! Now let's go kick some goblin asparagus!"

*Next Scene*

"Help! T-they're after me!" I've never ran so fast in my life! No one told me these things have better weapons than I do!

You'd think they would look like your typical Clash of Clans goblins: short, stubby and green, but NOOO! They're more realistic and scarier since all of them were tall, but depending on their type of weapon their bodies ranged from fit skinny to extremely buff and they're Lvl. 6!

Johnny sat lazily on a boulder and sniped any Goblin that came close to him and with his trademark smirk and laugh,"Only if you call me Master. Then I'll consider helping."

I blocked an attack from a Dagger Goblin and slashed back, but I only did 200 damage out of 1,500. "Never!"

"Then I'm not helping you." He jumped off and began walking towards the exit. "Oh, before I forget, there's about 9 more of these Goblins in the next rooms. At least you won't be lonely like at school."

"Fine! Leave! Like I care!"

And just like that, he put on his green hood and slowly camouflaged within 3 seconds. Probably my perfect vision messing with me.

He always does this. He'll walk for a couple of steps, rush back to me, and say he's sorry.

I dodged a mace smash and started running away while avoiding as many arrows as possible. For a second it felt like I was in those movies where the enemy shoots, but because their aim sucks, they never hit.

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