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I thought that when I died I'd finally rest in peace. I mean that's what R.I.P. means, but sadly it'll never happen.

Why? Because after that stupid slime killed me, I had to walk all the way back by myself, go through the forest again, and not drown in the slime for the second time!

What did Johnny do you might ask? Nothing! Absolutely NOTHING! It took me forever figuring out the attack pattern! In fact when I killed the boss slime, I found him napping on a tree branch chewing on a small stick!

"Took you long enough. I was getting tired of waiting." Waiting my astronaut.

"What the heck Johnny! A little help would've been nice!" I always helped him pay and this is the treatment I get?!?

I'm so gonna kill you right now.

He jumped down from the tree and walked towards me. It looks like he uses a bow and arrow, so I'll definitely be able to take him out in close combat.

"This is whatcha get for making me pay for you all this time!" Right when I was about to slice his head off, Johnny dodged my attack like nothing!


I kept at it for a while, but couldn't land a single hit! "Aww... that's cute. A Lvl. 5 Swordsman trying fight a Lvl. 22 Archer."

Lvl. huh?

Before the username 'Johnny', was the number 22 and after it, the icon for Earth appeared. "I-I-I thought you just GOT the game! You cheater!"

"I wouldn't say cheater... more like beater! Get it?"

Sadly I do...

I threw my sword on the ground in anger. "You know what!? Screw this game and your hacks! I'm leaving!" It would've had a better impact if I knew where the Logout button was in my menu.

Other than being a cheater, he's also a psychic. "Its under the Settings you idiot. But before you leave, I'll help you level up."

What the.

"Johnny it's not here. It's not under the Settings." Maybe I'm not used to having perfect eyesight yet.

He opened his menu and showed me where it was, "Look its right here. Close your menu and open it again."

I pinched into the air with my right hand and pinched out again to open the menu. Sure enough it was there. "Weird... I could've sworn I couldn't find it before."

Must be a little glitch.

Johnny's face clearly showed he didn't believe one thing of what I just said. "Suuurrreeee... Anyways let's head over to the town and-"

He suddenly stopped talking midway and lifted his index finger to his mouth. "What? Don't scare me like that! You know I'm not good with that type of thing."

"Shut. Up." He said it in such a serious tone that I didn't object.

Slowly and carefully, he grabbed his bow, took an arrow out of his quiver from his back, and aimed at the Slime Forest not far from the open field we were at.

Why the heck is he aiming at the trees for?

After 10 seconds of piercing silence, a green flash came out from the forest and ran towards us at mach 5 speed or something! That's when Johnny shot his arrow, but it got deflected by a rapier and the flash said, "Too slow buddy!"

"Johnny. Its not stopping..." No response. I started inching away just in case. "Johnny!"

The flash was closing the distance between itself and Johnny, making his bow more useless than I was right now.

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