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"Come again?"

It was too much for my loner self to witness such beauty that I couldn't even think straight.

Sure, I swore myself to not fall for a girl, but you can't blame me for thinking a chick is attractive! I'd be a bit worried if I thought a guy was cute. Not like I have anything against people like that.

"I said, can you stop staring at me or else I'll kill you." Even while threatening me, she's still a beauty.

"Okay, okay, okay. I'm sorry." I scrambled away from her when out of nowhere she lunged towards me at Demon Girl speed. "Gaaaah!"

Unconsciously I tried protecting my face with the wrist guards, but nothing happened until I heard another bull bellow in pain behind me.

I got up and turned around to see shards scattering near her.

"What?" The annoyed look she gave me really seemed to be the only expression she has. Not like I have that many myself.

Apparently I either look bored and/or pissed all the time.

Anyways, it seemed as though she was also by herself given the fact that everyone who's together is either in the same guild or party.

Following that logic I asked, "Hey umm-"

"No." I kid you not, she literally rejected me without hearing the rest of my sentence as she dodged another bull, and lashed out a couple slashes.

And as if those wounds were nothing, the bull charged right at me where I finished it off.

A little window popped up into view with the message:

Exp. Earned - 3,000
Koins Earned - 50
Drops - x30 Weapon Shards
x15 Weapon Stones
x5 Weapon Gems
x25 Fire Shards
x10 Fire Stones
x3 Fire Gems

Plus, the transparent box now had a +21587 inside it.

"I-I did it!"

Within the the cheering and stampeding, a slow clap was heard right beside me.

What's with the excessive sarcasm?!? Can you not make me feel bad please?

"Leave me alone." I groaned.

She walked past me while glaring at me as if I were scum, "Oh. Now that you took down one you think you're all that!"

Not gonna lie, that was kinda hot.

Yet there wasn't even a chance for me to retort when, for the bajillionth time, another freaking bull came in!

Man! Cowboy dude wasn't lying with the whole monster attractant thing!

I parried it's attack with my sword, but the sheer force pushed me away from it while the soles of my feet dug deeper into the dirt. "Holy crap that was awesome!"

Since I parried the attack, the bull was stunned for a second.

"Now's my chance!" I lunged towards it at full speed with my sword ready to kill, "Sword Rush!"

With the sword glowing red, I slashed at its legs causing it to fall on the ground, then slashed it across its body, and finished it with a stab into its brain.

That should've been enough to kill in the real world, but we're talking about a game where life is determined by health points and levels.

Even the crits I landed and additional damage done after a successful parry weren't enough!

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