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I woke up in the morning crying. The school year starts again, except its high school and I'll be going to a Charter School. Nobody will know me there. My parents decided to enroll me into Repree Charter School because it was the best school in the state. I agreed immediately because it was a chance for a fresh start and I wouldn't have to see anyone from my middle school. They all are going to Elon Public High school. However, I still got up feeling melancholy. The same stuff will happen. Wouldn't it? Wait, why am I questioning this. Of course it would.

I was bullied.
Basically my whole life. "Sami, you smell like rotten eggs"
"Sami, you fat. Eat less."
"Bruh Sami is so stupid why is she even in our grade."
"Get off the playground. Rats are supposed to play in tiny holes."
"Ew don't let her touch you."
"Sami messed with her friends boyfriend. What a slut."
"Sorry my hands just moved itself."
"She's coming. Hide."
"She's such a Bitch. Look at her try LOL."
"Is she trying to look good. It ain't working."
"Why cant she understand she should go back to snorting and eating mud. What a pig!"
It was bad. And the thing that sucked about it was that those words came out from people I considered my "friends".
I overheard them all the time but, I just kept on trying and trying to be friendly. I told no one about what was said to me.
It was bad. But I gave up in trying to make friends. Why make friends who can make you feel bad when you can just be alone? There are probably fun things to do when you're alone as well. So, I decided to be alone when I start high school.

I rush to take a shower and then look at myself in the mirror. My damp wavy brown hair finally reached past my shoulders. That haircut was bad. I'm glad its growing again. My face was dull as ever. It had no color. I didn't bother. I get in my clothes, grab breakfast and get in my mom's car. Little did I know, things are not going to go my way.

"Sami, remember guitar lessons after school." My mom says as we reach the school.
"Okay." I reply as I get out of the car. The carpool lane was big behind me and so many kids were heading in the front doors. I was a bit nervous.
"Have fun Honey." My moms says. I don't reply. I took out my schedule from my jean pocket. Repree Charter had a reputation as the school with the best SAT/ACT scores. There were a high pool of kids who got into Ivy League colleges then any other school. I take a deep breath and repeat the words "Sami will not make friends. Its better that way." under my breath. I hoist my book bag and look down tying to not make contact. I rather not see people staring at me. I might recognize some emotions like the ones in middle school. I rush into Class 1-A: English. It was my first class, according to my schedule. A group of kids were blocking the entrance. Just my luck of avoiding people. And even worse, they looked popular. I sigh.
"Excuse me," I say. Getting past the girls who put on makeup and the guys whom everyone considers "boyfriend material". I bump into some blonde guy. "Sorry" I mumble and enter the classroom. I take a deep breath. Phew. The desks had names on them: assigned seats. I found my desk and something was already on it. Some letter. I looked at the other desks. No letter was laying on the others. Outside the letter was a bold "SAMI CARTER" I sit down and open it.

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