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"Have fun at school." Ms. Laveri says as her daughter, Marisol gets out of the car.
"Thanks Mom." She says.
"MARI!" I holler from the school steps. She turns around.
"JASE!" She says back.
"HI MS. LAVERI." I say. Mari's mom waves at me I wave back. Mari closes the car door and runs up to me. I grab her hand. We walk into the school.
"I'm so nervous." She says.
"Don't be." I say. "I'm your animal bodyguard." Mari kicks my ankle. "Ouch."
"You still on that animal thing. We go to the Zoo with Justin and Kai over summer and then you get so immersed into being an animal yourself. Jason, your unbelievable." She says laughing. I wrap my hand around her shoulder.
"I love youuuu." I say laughing. We head inside.
"I love you too" She lifts my hand off her and holds it. "But, I have to go fix this dumb schedule." she frowns.
"Alright." I ruffle her hair. "I'll see you at some class or lunch." She kisses me and walks towards the office.
Now to find that Justin guy LOL. I spot Kai running past me.
"Oi. Nerd guy." I say. He turns around.
"You want my home room. Its 2-A:Science. Now I gotta go talk to my teachers, Jason." Kai says and rushes off.
"Wait- and he's gone." I say to myself. I spot Justin immediately in a crowd full of people from our middle school. I holler and he hollers back. We talk about girls and classes and I go to see my band teacher because I love band.
"Jason West huh? I have a letter from the school for you." My band teacher, Mr. Nic says. "You play the drums well.."
"How do you know?" I ask.
"This letter will explain half of it but I saw a video of you playing."
I look at him confused. I open the letter and read it.
"Ohhh.. This is interesting."
"Right? You should go for it." I smile.
"A band is perfect." The tardy bell rings.
"Its nice meeting you in person, Jason. See you in band class." Mr. Nic says. I leave the room with the letter and head to 4-A: History.
"Woah. Jason West goes to our school. So hot." I hear some girls near my desk. I roll my eyes and ignore. During lunch I sat with Marisol, Justin and Kai and we laughed so much. This school is going to be fun. After school I followed the letter instructions to room 5-A. I bump into Kai.
"Hey. What are you doing?" Kai says. He had his usual "Digital Music for Dummie" Textbook. I spot the same letter in his hands.
"I guess the same as you. I had a feeling you were one of the four." Kai smiles.
"This is interesting."
"You right man you right." I say. We spot the door to room 5-A and head in.

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