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It was the second day of freshman year... and.. I found out that Justin, Kai and Jason are ALL IN MY MATH CLASS. Its a disaster. Why? Because we were just supposed to make contact relating to the band but they consider me their friend are being nice. I'm still paying close attention to them. I am still doubting their actions towards me. They all smiled at me in class. I smile back. We all got assigned near each other. Justin was excited to have me in his class. I laugh.

It was lunch time and I sat by myself. I still went with my plan of being alone. I'm not Jason, Kai, and Justin's friend so I don't have to hang with them 24/7. I had my songbook open. I open up my rice box and start eating.
"Sami?" I hear a whisper I turn to my left and there was Justin right next to me.
"What the- you scared me." I said. He opened up his lunch right next to me and sat down.
"Wasup?" He says taking a bit out his apple.
I didn't know what to say. Why is he here? "Nothing. I don't know. Just thinking about the song I'm creating."
"Woah" He comes close to look at whats written in my song book. I shut it before he could peer over. He was so close to me, I could smell his cologne.
"There you guys are." Jason says. Kai spots us as well. They both join us. Great. Just great.
"Hey Sami." Jason says. I say hey back.
"So are you done with your animal thing. Come on man. I heard Mari complain about it this morning." Kai says with a stern look. He was reading some literary book. He is a nerd.
"Yes. Yes. I think I'm done. That zoo trip seems old now." Jason says. I have no idea what this conversation is.
"Zoo?" I say. I said something.
"Over the summer we went to the zoo and Jason flipped out when he saw the cheetahs and he started talking like he was a wild animal and says everything is his 'animal instinct'" Justin says.
"It's annoying." Kai bluntly says.
"Sorry." Jason laughs. "Ill go back to being that cool guy everyone thinks I am."
"Those are the girls." Justin says.
"Yep." Kai says without looking up from his book.
"They talk about me and you, Justin, here too.." Jason says. "Its bothersome."
"It is." Justin says.
"Im confused." I blurt out. I really want to be apart of their conversation. Is this just my old middle school attitude creeping back in.
"Girls talk about us three and it gets bothersome." Kai bluntly says.
"Its very bothersome. I want to punch all of them." Someone says. A girl with long dark hair tied up in a pony sits next to Jason.
"Oh its my dear Marisol." Jason says in a old lady voice.
"Shut up." She replies.
"Marisol, you haven't met the singer of our group, Sami." Justin says. "Sami, this is Marisol Laveri. Marisol, this is Sami Carter."
New people yay. "Hi I heard a lot about you and your talent from Jason. I want to hear it myself to be honest."
"Thanks!" I said. Marisol was so pretty.
"She's Jason's girlfriend and childhood friend and he asked her out on graduation" Justin says.
"...and shes smarter than Jason in my opinion." Kai says. His mouth was full with scrambled egg and he flipped a page from his book.
"Can you chew boy. Of course I know that shes smarter." Jason says. Marisol blushes. So thats Jason West's girlfriend.
"Now those girls better stop. They give me the nasty stare and I just really want to punch them." Marisol says.
"I'm sorry..." Jason says.
"Its okay-"
"...that I'm just so bright that people don't help by be directed towards it." Jason finishes.
Marisol kicks him under the table. Jason smiles. "Your a piece of coal."
"Yikes." Justin says laughing. I smile.
Jason mimics a rock. Marisol laughs.
Jason shakes his head. "Now back to business." Kai looks up from his book.
"I saw her." Kai says. Huh?
"I did too. I was walking down the hallway and she was coming towards me I had to turn around and bolt out of there." Justin says.
"How did she get into this school?" Marisol says.
"Literally that part is obvious. She followed Justin." Jason says. "I don't think she gonna let you go, Justin."
Justin looks down. "Again I'm so confused." I hear myself saying.
"Sami. Its this pretty idiot girl with red hair that followed Justin to this school. She's so obsessed with him to the point its scary." Marisol says.
"Oh. what in the world." I say. I'd rather not voice my opinion. I know where that leads to.
"She's my Ex, Madison." Justin bluntly says.
"Dang." I say.
"Saying her name is now going to give us a big omen." Jason says. Marisol laughs.
"Stop being dumb." Marisol says. "She can be in this cafeteria you know."
"Crap. You're right." Justin says looking at his food.
"Well you guys are out of luck because speak of the devil, shes coming towards us." Kai says. His eyes staring behind Justin through his glasses. I turn around to see a girl caked in makeup with red hair and a dress walking towards us. My heart started beating. She looked like those people from my middle school. This was not good. I clench my shirt.
"Madison." Marisol speaks.
"Hi Bi- I mean Marisol." Madison says appearing next to Justin. "I heard of you and Jase's hookup after graduation."
"Don't call him Jase." Marisol says. She seemed annoyed. I tried to keep myself calm.
Madison ignores her and looks at Justin. She smiles. "Hey Justin. I'm so glad we got into the same school, babe." Madison sat on the other side of Justin. Justin looks at her. She said: babe.
"Stop. Don't call me babe. We broke up a long time ago in fact." Justin says.
"But we are friends right? Anyways, I heard about this band thing you three are doing. Repree always does something extraordinary every year." Madison says. She looks at Justin. "If you guys need a singer. I'm always available, Justieeee." She says Justieee?
Justin tries pushing her away softly. "Nah, we got our singer." He looks at me. "She's amazing." I look back at him. Now I am apart of this conversation. This is not good. Madison looks at me. She makes a face. A face I recognize. My heart starts beating. It happening again. Everywhere I go it happens. That scornful look at me. Its coming back. I clenched my shirt. Justin was looking at me too. Stop. I look down and breath. "Yeah." I say looking up showing that similar fake smile I did in middle school. I never thought I had to use this again.
"Who are yo- i mean thats really cool. I'm Madison. I'm their friend and i know them for a while so..." She was trying to emphasize the "know them awhile".
"I'm Sami. That's cool." I say. She gets up.
"Anyways I got to go somewhere. Catch yall later." She walks away.
"I have the worst luck." Justin says. "That's why I am not going to get a girlfriend. Ever."
"She's so annoying. She isn't our friend, Sami." Marisol says looking at me.
"You bet." Jason says.
"She called Justin, 'Justee" and she almost got to close to you." Kai says chuckling.
"Stop. Its not good." Justin says. "I have to avoid her to my best."
"She used to call u 'babe' and 'Justee' when y'all dated" Marisol says. Justin nods.
"Why don't you tell her to stop?" I blurt. No wrong wording. Oops. They all look at me. "Sorry." I add.
"Imagine spending almost a year telling her to stop. I cant do anything else but ignore now." Justin tells me.
"Maybe she will get some new friends and another guy to get attached on and forget us?" Jason says.
"Forgetting about us.." Kai stares at Justin. "99.99% not going to happen."
Justin frowns. "Lets not go there. Lets change the subject."
"Perfect. Well about our band, we can meet at my house for that after school." Kai says. He and Jason stare at each other. "I can show you what I'm working on over there." Kai looks at me. "Sami, your coming okay?"
I had nothing to do after school so I just nod. "Sweet." Jason says. The lunch bell rang. We all get up.
"Lets meet at the music room and then head to Kai's house. Mari, you're coming too." Jason says. Marisol nods. We all pack our lunches and part ways.

School ended and we met at the Music room. "Well sorry guys. My house is occupied today. My parent's friends are over so we can do it tomorrow. Its a Friday also so you all can stay for dinner." Kai says. We all nod and I call my mom to pick me up.
"Sami, I'm so excited for this. Its going to be great." Justin says as we walk outside the school. He's smiling. I couldn't help but smile back.
"I'm getting a little excited myself." I say.

As I lay in my bed I couldn't help but think of that face Madison made. Stuff like that stay embedded in my head because I used to see that face every day. At the bottom of my heart, I still hoped the stuff in middle school doesn't repeat itself but after meeting Madison, my dream is moving towards being shattered. But, what did Kai mean when he said Madison wouldn't forget them? I think it has something do do with Justin and her past. I shake my head. Why do I care anyway.

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