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I don't know what the hell London was on or what happened. After rushing her ass to the hospital and my brother nor Lauren answering the phone I've been cooped up in this small ass waiting room for hours. I swear that girl ain't going to another damn club with drinks without some damn chaperones.

I walk down the snack machine and get some skittles with a fruit punch to drink. I see them wheeling London to a room. The guy nurse waves me over.

"We found traces of drugs in her system and her stomach had to be pumped. We got her alcohol levels down low enough but the amount she had in her system was a lot. Typically we see these amounts in chronic drinkers of 50 and 60 year old men."

Damn London. "Can I see her?"

"You can sit in the room she's not up yet." I nod my head then walk inside the room. London is sleeping peacefully. I grabbed the remote to the Tv and put something on. It was too quiet for me.

I become restless after just sitting there I get up and walk out to try calling Aug and Lauren again. It goes straight to voicemail again. "August?" A woman questions walking up to me. "And you are?" I ask.

"Anthony." She smiles hugging me. "It's me Summer."

"Summer?" I mumbled to myself trying to figure out how I know that name. "I tried calling you a few times."

"Sure it was me?"

"Well, I don't know. I've never been able to tell the two of you apart until you actually speak."

"We sound just alike." I say. Im still trying to figure out who the hell this girl is. "Yes but after you're done talking you clench down on your teeth, making your jaw move." She says following me inside. How the fuck?

"Look what you want with me? I don't know you."

"But you do Anthony. Remember high school back on 2010."

"No I don't."

"Anthony your brother was going with my best friend."

"Again how I'm in all this."

"I thought we had something." I chuckle, "I'm sorry but Summer that was a very long time ago. I was reckless as fuck. A lot of girls thought we had something." I glance over at London while I stand across from her room. "Baby you don't remember?" She asks cupping my face and my blood boils instantly.

"Who's this?" Lauren asks with August right behind her. "Step away Bruh." August says. I push the girl hands down and step back. "Anthony-"

"Don't follow him." I hear Lauren say to Summer. "Who was that?" August asks. "Some bitch who claim she was friend of some girl you was with in fucking 2010."

"The fuck?"

"I almost forgot she was a woman. She was about to pushed through the floor touching my damn face. You know ion play that shit. Don't fucking touch me."

"I saw you that's why I said walk away..."

After waiting a few minutes for me to calm down we walk towards the room. "Why the hell y'all wasn't answering the phones all night and today?"

"Man both our phones died last and we got up late as hell this morning Lauren wanted to go to Jimere hearing so that's where we was today and we went and did a few things after that."

"Y'all ain't think about us nigga." I say .

"We did actually. Once we plugged the phones up I saw your message and we headed straight here."

"Yeah, yeah." I brush him off.

"How London?" He asks.

"Man that fucking girl got a damn drinking problem. They had to pump her stomach. Ion know what it is bout that girl but I was ready to fight her and fuck her at the same time." August laughs, "Nigga."

"Real shit. I had to drag her ass out the club but that damn dress had me thinking some things."

We both laugh getting to the room. "What y'all talking bout?" London asks. "Nah. Don't even talk to me man." I say sitting down I'm so disappointed. "What I do?" She asks.

"Why did you go out with her?" Lauren asks. "Why not Ren. You was busy and she was already in town."

"You think we should give them their privacy to talk?" August whispers. "Hell no. I wanna know too shit."

"London you know how you get. Where her ass was at when you fell out?"

"I don't know Lauren."

"Exactly." Lauren says rolling her eyes. "You so irresponsible sometimes. Pick your friends more wisely London."

"Pick your niggas more wisely Lauren."

"What the fuck you mean?"

"Just what I fucking said."

"Alright you two chill out." August says. I was gone sit and listen, let them talk they shit out. It gets quiet in the room. We all sit there looking at each other. "Oh my God London!" Who the fuck is this?

"Why are you even here?" Lauren asks the girl, this must be Tierra. "Hey to you too. Are you okay London?"

"I'm fine."

"No thanks to you. Why did you let her get sloppy ass drunk?"

"Lauren, she's a grown ass women. I'm not a baby sitter." Tierra says. "It's not being a baby sitter when you know a friend has a fucking drinking problem."

"I do not-"

"Yes you do." We all say at the same time. "Look all of y'all can get out like now." London says. Apparently this caught the nurse attention and she made it her duty to call security on us. London didn't stop them either.

I ain't leaving out this hospital though. I sit down in the waiting room. "Aye we bout to go. We'll be back up though... Did they say how long she would be?" Lauren asks. "Nah they didn't but they probably ain't about to no time soon."


After Lauren and Aug leave out I sit there scrolling through my phone. Time flies by. I see Tierra walking out of London's room. Some ain't right about that girl. I can't put my finger on it.

"Code Blue room 2321. Code blue."

That's London's room!

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