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"So London we need to know what color scheme you like for the interior design..."

"Hm...." I stand there and think on that. "Soft Light Pink like cotton candy pink and cream with pearls everywhere."

I'm so happy things are going amazing for me. I've ditched the bottle completely. The very last night I got crazy was after Anthony left my place. I didn't get completely wasted but what I did have knocked some sense into me.

I realized that I couldn't allow alcohol to be my escape. So I started doing again after lacking off for some time. When I'm not modeling I'm doing hair and now it's lead to this very moment. I'm about to have my own hair salon.

"Very cute."

The bell rings at the door and we all turn around and look. Why is he here? "What's up Lo?"

"What's up Mere?" I say fighting the urge to roll my eyes. "I heard about your shop I wanted to get in on it."

"Meaning what exactly?" I question with my arms folded under my chest. "I want to be an investor. I got a check right here for 100 grand for you do whatever with for the place."

"I have a loan to take care of this but thanks anyway." I fake a smile and go to turn back to the designers. "I paid that off for you. So you have that plus this..."

"Why are you so interested?" I question. "Just helping out my lil sis. After all we're fam." I'm becoming more and more disgusted by the minute. "I'll leave this here and you do what you like." He says sitting the check down on the desk then he leaves out the place.

As time passes, we've looked through every booklet decorating the entire place. The designers pack there things and go as I stand inside and take all of this in.

I look at the check Jimere left. 100 Grand. Starting a new business I could really use this. I'm so hesitant because it's coming from him. Jimere is dirty as hell and I of all people know this. Ugh. I hit my contacts and the first one I see is Anthony.

He stopped calling a long time. I don't bother to call either. I don't even know why it's still in my phone. My thoughts get interrupted when an unsaved number calls.

"Hello?" I answer. "It's Jimere. Aye I'm planning a dinner for Lauren's birthday. It's a surprise so she doesn't know about it. You gone need a date. I got a nigga, my right hand, that would be thrilled to take you."

What the fuck is really going on? His ass is up to something. He's never did shit like that before. Throwing a surprise party for Ren and giving my ass money. Something isn't right but I can't put my finger on it.

"I'll find my own date thanks." I roll my eyes picking up the check and stuffing it in the purse. "Nah Lo you don't get it I already told him he's taking you. He a cool dude better than that twin you was fucking with."

I suck my teeth, "What the fuck ever Jimere."

"Ya better watch ya mouth girl. Don't forget who got you where you at now."

"Bye." I hang up and head to my car. How the fuck did he find out about that anyway. If he knows about me and Ant he has to know about Lauren and August.

I head to Lauren's place. I put my key in the door but it doesn't turn. "The fuck?"

"Lauren!" I yell knocking on the door. A few seconds later she comes to the door. "Hey why didn't you just use your key?" She asks.

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