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"You're gonna take shoot and I'll scale the building."

"Alright. We need Hector & Vince for this one?"

I look over all the info we have

"No this should be a piece of cake for us."

"You heard from Lauren?"

I shake my head
"She won't answer my calls. I tried showing up to her shoot yesterday but she avoided me like I was the plague."

"What she gonna do about the baby?"

I shrug
"I don't know but I'm not letting that nigga raise my kid."

"Yea that shit ain't goin' down."

I look at him keep checking is phone
"You heard from Lo?"

"Not since yesterday when she got home and kicked my ass out."

"Think Ren told her?"

"Hell yea I'm just waiting on having to face the music. I don't want to lose her bro."

I sit back and look at all the stuff we have packed

"I don't either Ant. Fuck man this shit is driving me up a wall."

"Come on Aug. We got shit to do. We can worry about our love lives later. Let's go get this money!


"You feel like riding with me to get Jr."
He shrugs

"Yea but stop by Burger King a nigga starving."

We get us something to eat then head downtown to Kay's place.

"Every time I come over here with you it always look like some weird shit is going on."

I laugh
"Nigga that's every time I come over period. That's just Kay tho. She extra for no reason."

We pull all the way up into three drive way. I cut the engine

"Are you mentally preparing yourself to deal with yo baby mama."

I laugh again
"Nigga if you know Kay.."

"Then yea yo ass is..."

"Get the fuck out the car." I say laughing at his dumb ass. We get out and go up the walk way noticing her door is wide open. Ant grabs my shoulder and directs my attention towards the door lock on the ground. We both grab and cock our guns. We slowly walk aiming and ready to shoot. I come around the corner and see Kay face down in blood

"Kay!" I put the safety on my gun then get on the floor trying to pick her up.

"Ima check upstairs for Aj." I look around

"I know where he is. Aj daddy's here." He comes busting out the closet from down the hall screaming and call on me

"Come man.."

"Oh damn who is that?"

I get up from Kay's body and go to where Ant is

"That's Kay's brother. Call the police. Come on big guy." I grab jr and we go upstairs to pack his clothes and some of his toys. This has Jimere written all over. Now he really gotta pay.

"They on their way. What you thinkin'?"

I grab his bags

We walk out and the police are pulling in
"My sons mom and her brother we found dead already. When we got here we noticed the door had been broken down and when we found their bodies we called y'all."

"Was your son in the house?" I look at him sitting in his seat in my car. I squat down

"Did you see anything that happen tonight baby boy?" Tears start to fall down his face as he nods his head yes

"Think you can be a big man and tell this officer what you saw." He nodded again



"August, little man can you tell me what you remember before your dad came?"

"Yes me and mommy and uncle D was watching movies. Then mommy heard a bang at the door and it made her jump up..."

"D you heard that?"

"Yea Kay but what the hell was it?" Another bang came at the front door this time making the door knob fly off the door

"Baby look at me go hide in daddy's favorite hiding place he'll come get you out ok. Go now!"
A man walks in and point a gun with a silencer on at D then fires. Kay screams.
"Please I have a son I'm all he has! Please!." One shot to the head, she's gone.

"Did you see the bad mans face?" He shook his head no then reached out for me

"Thank you Mr. Alsina I'll be in contact in case we need to ask anymore questions."

"No problem. You ready Ant?"

He shakes his head in disbelief
"Yea I guess man, shit is crazy."


The drive back seemed so much longer than ever. I never seen my little man cry himself to sleep. He watched his mother get murdered that's something that will always haunt him and for that alone I need Jimere's head on a platter. We get to the crib and I grab his clothes bag and him while Ant grabbed his toys and other stuff. We walk down our hall noticing our door is wide the fuck open. I look back Ant and give him a heads up. I knock on our neighbors door.

"Yess." Mrs. Ty opens the door

"Can you watch him for a moment gotta check something in the house."

"Of course give me him. Handle your business. Oh boys are you just getting back?"

We look at each other then her
"Yea" we say together

"Well someone was in there just roaming around making a lot of noise. I seen some curly hair looking girl come out but she left to fast before I could say something to her."

"She left the door open?"

"Nooo she closed it and walked right down the hall."
We look at each other again

"Alright Mrs. Ty I'll be right back."

We walk outside her place and look down the hall at ours. We cock our guns on some A-Team shit and walk in. Goddam they tore this place up. What the fuck?

"Aug we gotta make moves now this shit getting too real!"

"You right grab all our files and some overnight shit for a few weeks, we gone get a hotel then find our way out of here."

We go get all the shit we gone need from our case files to our clothes n shit we packed up and left. After packing up the car we went up to get Jr then hit up the nearest hotel. Once we check in and get settled into the room I start running back over everything I saw at Kay's house and our spot.

"Who you think the girl was Ant?"

He lifts up from playing the game
"I don't know but tomorrow I'm gone pull surveillance from the house and we'll find out. You seriously think Jimere had something to with getting Kay killed."

I turn to him
"I think he was gunning for her and my son. I'm not down for that shit."

"Me either, so what we trying to do."

I sit and think
"Call Hector and Vince we definitely need them this time."

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