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"Are you serious Lauren?" I whine through the phone. "I'm so sorry Lo. It's doctor's orders." I haven't even told her about Anthony hitting me up. I guess the safest place for her right now is at the doctor anyway. "Ugh. Okay. I understand."

"You know if I could be there I would."

"Yeah I know. I'm about to board this phone though. I'll text you once I make it there. Make care of my baby."

She laughs, "Okay. I will. Love you sis."

"Love you too sis."


To say this airport is crowded is an understatement. While getting off the plane I text Anthony and then Lauren to let them both know I'm here.

Anthony names pops up on my screen. "Hello?" I answer. "Where you at?" Butterflies begin to creep inside my stomach. It's been months and he still has this effect on me.

"Waiting for my bags."

"I'm outside waiting for you right out front."

"Okay. I'll be out in a second." I hang up and stand there.

5 minutes later I have everything and make my way outside. I look straight ahead and there he is. Posted against the hood of his car. Still looking fine as fuck. He looks my way and smiles showing the golds are still in his mouth.

"What's up?" He pulls me into a hug like shit never happened and looks over me with lustful eyes. "Hey Anthony." He opens my door allowing me inside and sits my luggage in the trunk.

We sit there in silence as we leave out the airport. "Are you hungry?" He asks breaking the silence.

"Kind of." I mumble still not believing I'm here with him right now. "I know a burger spot."

"I'm down."


As I sip on my shake I look around the restaurant, this reminds me of the place we went to the first night we hung out. We're sitting towards the back.

"So what's new with you?" Anthony asks. "A lot."

"Like what?"

"Just a lot." I answer.

We talk about trival things the weather and the city life and work but neither one of us bring up what happened.

After we eat we're supposed to headed to the hotel I'm staying in so he can drop me off but he makes a turn somewhere.

"You can see the whole city." He says letting the top back.

"Anthony I haven't forgot about what happened." I say finally getting it out.

"London it started out as a job but became so much more. We never lied about anything we've said to either of you."

"But it's funny you forgot to mention it just being a job then you tried to get in my pants like every other nigga. Fuck outta here."

"You think that's all you were to me?"

"Obviously. Even after I told you about Jimere and the abort -." I stop talking. I can't believe I just blurted all of that out without realizing what I said . I never told him a name until now.

His demeanor changes and he glares over at me. "Jimere was the nigga who raped you?" He asks. "That's not what I meant."

"What did you mean then London?"

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