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Boom boom boom boom boom boom! I wake up to this banging on my door. I hit Jimere

"Mhm what?"

"You didn't just hear that loud ass banging on the door?" He sighs and throws the covers off of him. Then proceed to grab his gun. Again with the banging only this time the door came down after. I screamed and Jimere pulled his gun

"DROP YOUR WEAPON!  DROP YOUR WEAPON!" Jimere lays it down and they rush him

"Jimere Anderson you're under arrest for assault and battery with a deadly weapon. You have the right to remain silent..." I'm so in shock I'm sitting in the bed knees to my chest

"Ma'am?" An officer says snapping my back into reality

"Are you Lauren Hamilton?" Nervously I shake my head yes

"I'm officer Tank we would like for you to come down to the precinct to answer a few questions.

A Few Months Later

Walking into court to hear this sentencing has me shaking in my boats.

"Calm down Ren everything is gonna be ok." My best friend has always been there for me no matter what. 

"Lo I don't think so this time. Mere got caught up in some deep shit. He assulated a judge's son."

"Damn I miss everything going to these events I'm so sorry sis whatever happens you know I got you." We sit in the front row on the side where Jimere would be coming in.

"All rise..  Now presenting Judge Kelsey Graham. You may be seated." After we sit Jimere comes out in a blue jumpsuit and chains around his ankles and wrist. Lo leans over to me

"Girl he must be giving them hell." I shake my head

"Knowing Jimere he is." Jimere blows a kiss a me and I back at him. I mumble I love him and he places his hand on his chest then sits down as directed.

Some guy sits behind me and London

"I wouldn't wanna be up there today." We look back

"Why?" We said at a whisper

"Judge Graham is no joke already but then her husband passed away at his mistress house two days ago and she's already back at work." He sits back like he'd just given us the best tea in the world. What he had done was make my heart sink and I could already feel the waterworks about to start. I took in a deep breath and then she spoke

"Stand up Mr. Anderson. After reviewing your file I see you've been in and out of trouble a lot through the years sir. Give me a reason I shouldn't put you under the jail." Jimere looked back at me and mouthed that he was sorry

"Is that your girlfriend?" He clears his throat

"My fiancé ma'am." She looks at me then back at him

"How is it that you could disappoint her like this. Look at what a future you had and just threw away for carelessness fifteen years."

"What!" In that moment everything I ever saw with him vanished.

A Few Weeks Later

"Miss Hamilton." The clerk calls out and I get up then follow behind her to this room full of computer screens.

"Desk A4." She points in the direction,  I go to sit down and the screen comes on then Jimere's face pops up

"Damn baby where you been."

"They made me jump thru hope just to get up here. Why haven't you called me? Your mom has been putting money on your books." He sighed

"It's a long story baby but I need you to handle something for.." I roll my eyes

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