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Thinking about and contemplating my next move. I got a few plugs in NOLA.

"Daddy can I have some ice cream?" Jr ask with it already all over his face

I laugh "What you ask for if you ate it already?" He shrugs and runs away

"My bad Aug, it's vanilla didn't think it would get him that hyped." Ant says I shake my head and get up

"Aye watch him for a min I'll be back bro."


I grab my keys and hit the streets. I pull into what looks to be and abandoned garage.
"August my man!" Tez calls out walking towards the car
I get out and dap him up "I see things been going good for you?"

He laughs and looks around "What can I say?" He motions for us to go inside

"But I've heard you been into some trouble." He pops two beer bottle tops and hands one to me then takes the other to the head.

"Jimere is gunning for you and Ant man." I sit down "Two things. What do you know? and I need a hit on a bitch."

"Jimere knows y'all are here and sent someone up here to confirm."

"Which brings me to my hit. I would do it but I need it to be done after we leave." I drank the rest of my little beer

"Who and where?"

"Amari Anderson." I say deadlocked on him. I slide over the address, how to get here there and the cash I knew he'd ask for.

"Call you when its done big man." We dap each other up and I head out.

I get a call from a connect in N.O. while I drive to the bank and transfer some funds around.
"Wazzam woddie?"


"The house secure, I pulled what you sent and stashed it."

"Good the other drip on the way. You get my draco order."

"Yea mayne. Y'all two trying to light shit up ain't ya."

"You already know ya heard me. Alright my last few runs requires some blueprints and routine knowledge. Think you got it."

"Fo sho, make them niggas beg for it. Catch you when I got you foo."

I get to the bank to handle my business then take off stopping to get us and the kid some to grub on. "Yo ask Jr what he want from McDonalds!" I say as soon as Ant answer

"He want some nuggets and a orange drank. Get me a big mac with extra mac sauce and a coke." I repeat the order to the girl at the mic and tell her what I want

"Okay sir that'll be $26.23." I pull up to the next window, pay the lady, then grab our food and head to the spot.

I walk thru the door "I just got off the phone with Cream. The cars are ready and will be in NOLA a week after us." Ant says as I walk thru the door. I nod in approval and give them their food

"Get up here Jr. NO is ready for us, we leave out tomorrow after we drop Lo. Where she at tho?"

"Last mintue running we'll get her tomorrow."

"Aight bet, Jr when you done gotta take a bath and go to bed alright man."

"Aww daddy can I stay up and watch TV with you and uncle Ant?"

"Aye little man I'm about to hit the sheets too, got a lot to do tomorrow." Ant says finishing his food.


fter getting lil man situated, Ant heads out to Lo room and I jump in the shower myself. I wrap a towel around my waist, getting out the shower. I wipe some of the mist off the mirror and just look at myself
"What you doin Aug?" I say aloud to myself. "Is this the life you want for Jr man? For my baby on the way?" I take a deep breath then release. I do my nightly routine and take a look in the mirror one last time. Running my hands down my face I walk out the bathroom and fall onto my bed, before I knew it I was out like a light.

I wake up reaching for my phone as it rings. "Hello." I answer not even checking to see who it was.

"August?" Her voice wakes me up and at the same time soothes me as if I were I baby being put to sleep.

My voice cracks "Lau...Lauren?" I question

"Yea Aug y'all need to get out of Cali now, Jimere is on his way!"

I sit up still sleep "We on it Ren. How you been?" She sighs "I'm fine Aug, we're fine." I smirk

"You know what it is." "August I don't want..." I stop her "Look Ren I know I fucked up not telling you about working for Jimere but honestly would you have even gave me a second thought had you known?"

She silent for a minute them let's out another breath. "I guess you're right and I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss you." I smile big feeling hopeful as hell. I know for fact she the one.

"I miss ya ass too! I can't wait to hold y'all." Jr shifts next to me

We can't wait to feel your arms around us either Aug but I'm scared Jimere will get to us before you do."

"All I know is I'm not gonna stop until you are in my arms I promise baby I'm coming for you and my baby..."

"I don't know what I'm having because Lo is throwing me a gender reveal party." I laugh "Of course she is!"

"When am I going to see you again?" Her words spark something in me

"I can't give you an exact date but soon babe, soon."

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