Chapter Twelve

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Adam shoved me aside and started preforming CPR, on Peeta. I stood up and paced back and forth worrying that I had killed him. “Katniss, I need you to calm down…”

                “Peeta didn’t have a pulse after I performed the surgery! He closed his eyes! He could be dead!” I screamed. I went outside and sat on a rock. There were only three soldiers left from the other army. One was running toward me with a dagger. He stopped when he reached me. “Go on and do it” I said. “See if killing me makes you a better person” He just stood there, and then turned around. He began walking away which was a sigh of relief. A few seconds later, he died from being hit with a bow that Kale had aimed.

                All of the soldiers had been killed off, besides most of our allies. Kale sat next to me asking what happened with Peeta. I had explained it trying not to show any emotion. I was a soldier now and I would seem weak to others if I cried. Another woman walked over to me and encouraged me. “You’re doing fine. If you can watch the love of your life get shot, and then jump right into action to save him, you’re a hero.” She said putting her arm around me.

                “He only has one good leg, and that shot could cost him his other leg…”

                “Oh, Katniss, I doubt that.” She said putting her hand on my knee. “He’ll be fine. I promise you Katniss, he will.”

                I watched Peeta walk out, limping a little but looking better. I got up to help him, but he told me to sit back down because he didn’t want help. Once he sat next to me, he put his arm around me, and coughed. “Are you okay?”

                “Yeah” he coughed. “I’m fine.” I looked at his shirt to see blood on it which meant he must of thrown it up before he came out.

                “I’m sorry for almost killing y-“

                He laughed. “Killing me? Katniss, you saved me in there!” He said taking my hand and leading me back into the tent. He shut the opening and took off his shirt and threw in the bucket of water Adam must have brought it. I was about to get up to clean it for him but he had already started. “Thank you, Katniss.” He said smiling at me. I smiled back and watched his hands clean the blood from the shirt.

                Once he had finished, he came over to me. “Let me see where you got shot.” He said pulling my pants down. It could have felt odd, but I was too busy staring into his eyes to even notice what was going on. I snapped back into reality when he touched it, and felt a sting go through my body. I moved back quickly, trying not to scream. He looked at me with an “I’m sorry” look. I looked away and went outside to go talk to the allies.

                “-And there she is.” Adam said waving me over “This is Katniss, the girl who saved Peeta’s life-“

                “You gave him CPR. You saved him.”

                “I did that to keep him alive, Katniss. You took out that bullet and sewed it back up which saved him.” How many more times did I need to be told this? “Cheers, to Katniss.” They all lifted up their bottles of wine, and drank. “Want a drink, Kat?”

                “I’ll pass” I said looking back at the tent to see Peeta lying down with his hands clasped over his stomach. I wanted to go back, but there would be nothing to talk about. I looked back at the group who had gone on to talk about different ways of hunting. I walked away towards Kale who was looking at the Lake next to the hut. “Hey” I said squatting down so he could see I was there. “What’s up?”

                He shrugged “Just thinking. I miss home. Even though no one will really care when I get back.” He said holding his breath. “I got a message that my father died. “ He said sitting down. I sat down as I tried to take it in. “My mother killed herself after she found out.” He said starting to cry. He said something that I couldn’t understand because of his tears. “I don’t have a family anymore… the worst part is it hasn’t settled in yet. When I go back, it will.”

                “You’re not going to go back, Kale.” I said thinking about what I was going to say next. “You can come and live with Peeta and me. We’ll be your family.” I said holding him close to me. “I love you Kale. Never forget-“

                “I love you-“ and before he could say the last word, I heard his last breath silenced by a cry. I pulled away to see an arrow was shot in his head, a few inches from mine. I pulled mine out and shot the man before he could shoot me.

                “Peeta!” I screamed. “Adam!” I started crying. “Someone! Don’t die, Kale, you hear me?” I yelled. He was unresponsive but still had a pulse. He was still alive and still had a chance. I watched everyone rush over and start to crowd. The first person to reach me was Peeta. He didn’t know what to do either. We couldn’t remove the arrow without killing him. It was inches from his brain so any movement would kill him.

                “Katniss, he’s still alive he’s-“ His words halted after a gunshot had fired. I turned around expecting him to be shot, but he muttered. “dead”. I looked at Kale who had been shot in the back. I looked behind him to see  a very familiar figure holding the gun in its position still.

                The only words I could manage to get out were “Damn you Adam.”


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