Day 7

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Can't we all just get along? That question made its way around Ian's and Max's head that day. First week completed and Ian is eating breakfast in his dull bedroom in some cheap motel. He twisted his fork around, shoving his eggs aside. The bitter taste in his mouth resulted in a bore-feast of a day.
       He watched as his phone buzzed with notifications from the toxic people of the internet. Oh, and his mom. She called him last night, worried about the situation that her "golden boy" was in. She nearly called Max to discuss the event.
      Ian didn't have it in him to go and apologize to the Aussie boy, yet he wanted to see him again. He checked for any texts from him and if he even called. It sparked a pain in his chest, that turned the taste of syrup filled pancakes into lard.
      He reached for his duffle bag, and combed his messy hair a bit. Before strolling outside his little room. He knew exactly what he needed to do, pacing back and forward waiting for his uber. The blinding sun didn't help, now sweaty Ian focus on what he was actually planning to do.
      An apology is all he needed to do, he just needed to tell Max that he is sorry. Yet he has no idea what he's apologizing for. Max is the one that called him nothing! Max is the one that who, broke the most hearts. Ian wiped away the tiny droplets of pain running down his face before hopping into the car.

Max arched his back, gagging and choking. He drooled all over his hands and t-shirt. Dropping to his knees, he grabbed onto his stomach and began to spit out chunks of noodles and stomach acid. The kitchen tile now has slimy noodles seeping into it.
He couldn't call for anyone, since everyone has left. Ian, then Katt. Max told her about his feelings, he's not so straight feelings. And of course the situation boiled into an argument, she left and probably didn't plan to come back.
      The feeling of deep regret and confusion cased Max to vomit even harder. He hurled bits and pieces of last nights depressing dinner until his chest began to ache. The door bell alerted him, he spun his head around. The drool splattered against the wall, he could barely walk, spitting up every few seconds.
       He lugged towards the door and opened it slowly. His hips buckled at the sight of Kat, she looked extremely uncomfortable. Almost disgusted, her facial expression changed from disgust to anger and disgust.
    "That's gross!!" She yelled taking a step back. Max looked like a wreck and really needed some medical attention. He feared he would start throwing up blood, it must have been an allergic reaction to something in the noodles he order.
       Max took a deep breath before finally barfing up a large pile of water, stomach acid and blood. Kat screamed, nearly being covered in the mess. Max leaned forward, tilting back and forward, until he laid flat in the vomit pile. And then silence.

"He is All We Need" (Maxian) (Chapter 1)Where stories live. Discover now