Day 10

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Have you ever been so terrified that you lose all sense of feeling? Good. This is the feeling Max had when he woke up in his hospital bed. He was surrounded in a pool of sweat. Feeling dazed and downright uncomfortable. The halls were slightly lit, the sounds of metal charts trotting down the halls made Max queasy.
Luckily his stomach was settled and his throat no longer felt sore. And nurse sat in the corner of the room, she held papers in here hands. Just as Max noticed her existence she spoke.
"Well congratulations Mr. Stanley, the documents say you're good to go." She mumbled, standing up and removing him from the machine. Max raised an eyebrow before swiftly asking.
"What was actually wrong with me?"
The nurse looked down at the papers and said with lack of emotion.
"A horrible cause of a stomach virus."
Max's memory quickly connected his illness with Ian, he began to panicking wondering what day it was. And if Ian was still in Australia.
"How long have I been asleep?!" Max asked frantically.
The nurse looked a bit startling before replying.
"A day."
Max enjoy the fact that he was able to walk out the medicine building and off onto his mission, to find Katt. Katt most likely knows where Ian is and she is most likely with her parents. Max was boiling, almost to a point in which he began to question his own mental health.
He was so focus on Ian, yet he didn't know what he would do or say when he got there. Max couldn't possibly lose a friend over some homo feelings. And he definitely didn't want him to make a fool of himself in anyway.
Ian could be completely uninterested and returned back to America, cutting all connections with the aussie boy. Max sat on a bench outside of the hospital, shoving his hands into his face. Letting out small groans of frustration.
Max finally reached for his phone out his pocket, it was completely died.
"Those cunts didn't even charge my phone!?" He hissed to himself.
Max knew he needed to get home, somehow. He walked back into the hospital lobby and begged to the nurse in front.
"Uh, fuck. I need to call, my ex girlfriend." He whined, leaning all over the front desk. The nurse slowly nodded, handing him the phone.
Max dialed quickly, he briefly wiped his nose. His bones ached and he stomach turned. He stood there for a bit, worried out of his mind. He thought she wasn't gonna answer. Honestly why would she? But she did.
"Hello?" Katt muttered.

"Um Katt! c-can you pick me up. From the hospital??" Max requested eagerly.
It was followed by a long paused. Max got restless.
"Fine." Katt growled and quickly hung up.

Max smile grew rapidly, he plastered his smile to the nurse. Who seemed disturb in some sort of way. She just looked back at her work.

Max knew deep down inside, he couldn't let someone like Ian get away. He was special.

"He is All We Need" (Maxian) (Chapter 1)Where stories live. Discover now