Day 12

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           Max crawled into bed, already wasted on the hard liquor in his cupboards. He laid in his room for what seemed like hours before he finally drifted to sleep. He woke up multiple times through the night, he would occasionally stumbled to his bathroom to piss. Or even grab a glass of water from his sink.
             He could taste his "morning" breathe and feel the creaks in his neck forming. He stopped looked out his window in the front of his house, and listened to the noise of crickets and other insects shuffle around for a bit. Max began to loose the urge to want to see Ian.
        He was "okay" with their friendship ending, growing tired of the amount of stress he felt over it. He lost a good friend and his girlfriend all in one little selfish attempt to make himself feel better. So he stopped trying to fix and solve the problem, it was unfixable!
     Yet he wanted to care.


       Ian hoped out the uber, and stood in a unfamiliar neighborhood. He focused on his google maps and started following the path way to Max's house. He walked in the middle of the night through a random neighborhood in Australia, in search of an old mate of his.
           The phone only said he was a few blocks away which filled Ian with some form of hope. He marched pass houses and crossed streets, praying that he wouldn't be stabbed and left for dead. He busted into a cold sweat, regretting not wearing something a bit more warm. The phone alerted him on how close he was getting, the sound of a robotic woman telling him he was only a few miles from this goal, filled him with glee.
               Once Ian hit Max's street he began to jog up to his house. He stopped though, eyeing the Aussies door. A nervous feeling hit him harder then before, he stumbled up to the door and hesitated before knocking. A moment passed and Ian was fighting his urge to run off and ignore this completely.
            Once the door open he was face to face with the obviously drunk Aussie he was so fond of.
         "Ian?!" Max yelped, before pulling him into a passionate embrace. Max pulled away only to face him, he arms still hung around him.
          "You're so fucking sweaty, cunt." He joked not breaking his gaze from Ian.
         Ian let out a small dorky laugh, agreeing. Ian paused a bit.
         "You know your like one of  my best friends, right?" Ian statement motioning the two inside.
            "Of course." Max replied realizing his phone wasn't charging and was still dead.
            The two sat on the couch facing each other, Ian laid back trying to caught his breath from his hike up here.
           "I had to run up here, and I think I'm getting sick." He said playfully, as he swung his arm around the couch.
           "That sucks." Max replied trying to register Ian face, since they where sitting in the dark. Ian didn't say anything, he remained quiet, and before Max could break the silence.
        "I'm sorry." Ian muttered breathlessly.

         Max shook his head, "no. Don't." 
Max sat sit as he watched Ian lean down a bit. Their noses brushed against each other briefly before Ian gave Max a small peak on the lips.
       He moved his head back little as if he was waiting for Max's reaction, Max eyes fluttered a bit as he leaned in allowing the twos lips to crash together. They're kisses were soft and almost angelic, it was a mix of small peaks and full kisses. Ian rested his hand on the back of Max's head as the two sat on the couch exchange a passion moment.
         Max lean back, breaking the kiss for a moment. Taking a few deep breaths.
          "What the fuck are we doing?" Max whined.
            "I don't know, but I like it.." Ian responded as he placed Max on his lap, in a position in which Max was was facing Ian.
        The kiss continued for a bit before Max let out a small chuckle. As he yelled out.
              "This is so fucking gay!!!"

"He is All We Need" (Maxian) (Chapter 1)Where stories live. Discover now