Its a bright sunny day, birds chirped, down the street was a orphanage most would think it would be quiet and calm, unfortunately its not... "Hand's off!" a girl roared at her room mate, as they fought for the TV remote. "LARA! ABBY! STOP THAT RACKET!" a grumpy care taker yelled from down stairs, "sorry miss," one by the name of Abbey sighed, the girl who had the remote in the first place. Lara was a naughty little girl, by the age of 10, not that she acted like it, most thought she was actually 3 or 4. She had a low tolerance of not getting her own way. "Can you please stop bugging me, I just got it," Abbey grunted, holding the remote above her, "my favourite show is on, you can have it later." She continue to hold the remote tight. Lara glared at her with anger, her eyes flamed In frustration, "do I look like a care," Lara wailed with tears in her eyes. "Grow up, both of you!" a older boy spat from the other side of the room, "it wasn't me Hairy Maclary!" Lara teased in a build up of anger. "Its Harry!" he argued grumpily. "And my last name was Martian," he added calmer. "Whatever," Lara sniffed, giving up and walking down stairs. "Finally," Abbey sighed with relaxation, she had missed half of the show but it was worth it. "She never gives up, that's a start," Harry grinned, "I know right," Abbey rolled her eyes, she walked down stairs as the show finished. "Here you go little bitch!" She shoved it into the girls stomach, a little pissed. "Abbey you know better then to use your anger on her," her best friend Grace warned. "Well she deserves it," she explained, her friend didn't reply, she spotted the caretaker across from her in the kitchen, sipping a cup of coffee and giving her a death stare. She wished she had a dog or something to take outside for a walk, the orphanage wasn't a very good place. "Miss, you should get a pet, i really love animals," she suggested. "Why would a want to waste my money on filthy creatures, all they do is make a mess and its a waste of money." The women snorted, "oh and don't call me miss, its Claire, you don't have the rights to call me 'miss' like i'm your friendly teacher." The women finished her violent speech, Abbey glared at her with disgust. "What a bitch," Grace whispered to her, she nodded In agreement. "Hopefully when the time comes your new foster parents will have animals, when ever that is..." Grace told her, trying to bring positive vibes. "I'm going to the shelter, its my only way of seeing animals, maybe one day I'll convince her." Grace gave her a sad look, she went there almost everyday, it was her way of getting her mind off her depression. "I could come with you," she offered, "nah I'm fine," Abbey sighed. She watched her friend disappear from her sight as she left the house. Her feet lead her down the hill, there was a city of New York, she trotted along nervously, she hated being in the city alone but it was the only time she could see animals and try to get her mind in another place. Her hopes rose as people started staring at her, she had shitty clothes on that where old and stained, people probably thought she was a hobo. The only time a child at this orphanage got nice clothes was on the day they where getting adopted and need to look presentable. Her face droop with shame as she was looked at by a group of teens, not much older then her. She sighed and entered the familiar shelter, she always visited two places, the lady at the counter knew her straight away. "Hey Abbey!" she smiled, she never judged her, in fact she just felt bad for her. Abbey looked over at the bird who was perched on the lady. "Want to hold her?" she asked, Abbey hesitated for a minute but remember this wouldn't happen to her anywhere else. The parrot was a blue and gold macaw, "is she yours or for adoption?" she asked curiously. "Actually i'm holding her for someone, she is such a sweet lady." The shelter lady explained, "if she doesn't come back i'll have her," Abbey was serious but the lady didn't take it serious, instead laughed. "I'm sure you'd make a great animal parent but you know your not allowed and besides you don't have any money," she explained softly. Abbey sighed, "i wish i had a mum that would let me have at least one pet, that's my dream," she felt miserable as she held the bird on her arm. At that moment a friendly face came in, "oh here's your bird," Abbey sighed and handed it to the lady without looking at her. The lady looked down at her, feeling bad, "where are you from?" she asked. Abbey's eye's grew wide as she realized who the lady was. "Your B-B-Bindi Irwin!?" she gasped. Bindi grinned at her proudly, "yes and you are?" she asked curiously. "I'm Abbey- Abbey Davidson," she introduced herself and brightened up, "what are you doing in New York?" she asked, realizing she was from Australia. "I was here for a dance competition, didn't you see me?" Bindi asked with surprise. "No... i don't get to use a TV too much, too many demanding children at the orphanage." "Your from a orphanage? you poor child," Bindi felt sorrow, "did you think i was homeless, from my stupid clothes?" Abbey asked harshly. "No, i just assumed you came from a bad place," Bindi sighed. "Well i better get going back to my hotel, i am going back to Australia soon, just a few more days here, at least i have no more competitions, just relaxation." Bindi waved to them both and left with the Blue and Gold macaw on her shoulder.

Adopted by Bindi Irwin (COMPLETE)
Fanfiction14 yo Abbey Davison was a orphan, when she encounters the 23 yo Bindi Irwin at an animal shelter and is adopted by the famous Australian zoo keeper and dancer her life changes... how weird would it be to have an uncle who could be your brother??? i...