Chapter 4

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"Come on Grey," Bindi dragged the dog along, she struggled to free herself, she hated being leashed and felt scared. "Abbey get your dog!" Bindi yelled, Grey was so disobedient. "Let go of her," Abbey asked quickly, Bindi did as she was told and released the dog. She bolted towards Abbey as soon as she saw her, whimpering with happiness. "I missed you too baby," she kissed the puppy happily. Bindi was in shock how demanding the dog was, "wow, I don't think she would except another home," Bindi puffed. The dog was very strong for a young dog, she jumped onto Abbey's lap and stayed there, "it's okay girl, no one is going to take you away anymore, you are safe with me," Abbey insisted. She patted the dog to calm her down. "We have 2hrs," Bindi explained, "lets go to the petstore quickly to buy her a few toys for the long flight," Abbey suggested. "Yep," Bindi turned into the closest petstore and they went inside, Grey was better on her leash now, she felt safe and calm, wagging her tail. "Which ones girl?" Abbey asked as they walked around Petsmart. They got to the dog isle, toys where everywhere, Grey looked around in interest. She grabbed a lamb plush toy and Abbey grabbed a few other types in case, a rope, ball and frisbee for when they get time to play fetch back at home. She also picked up a large bone to keep her busy, "lets get out of here," Bindi explained as they rushed to the airport, Opal squawked in her carrier as she wanted to be let out. "Sorry but you will get to stretch your wings tomorrow," Abbey explained to the cranky parrot. "What a grumpy rainbow chicken," Bindi laughed, Abbey grinned in amusement.
"Bindi Irwin please hurry to your jet, your flight is here," an airport bag checker asked, she had been searching everywhere for them. "Sorry we are late, had to get some things," Bindi explained to the air hostess as they got to the jet. "We are flying private?" Abbey realised, even more excited. "We are getting the flight on this little thing to Auckland then we fly Gold class, the animals will hate it sadly," Bindi sighed. "I feel bad," Abbey frowned. "Do you have your animals have their vaccinations?" The air hostess asked worryingly. "Oh yes, I have their record for proof in my bag," Bindi showed them and they got on the jet. Abbey had to carry Grey since she was confused and didn't know what to do. "Sit down," she demanded to the dog and sat with her. Opal was secured on the floor with straps around the carrier. "You should relax a bit, we have a very long flight," Bindi suggested, leaning back. "I can't, I am nervous," Abbey was shaking, "it's alright," Bindi held her hand.
It's been 12 hrs, Abbey woke to check the map, they where 40 minutes away from Auckland, "we still have nearly 4 hrs on the other flight," Abbey complained. "I'm sorry it's such a long flight," Bindi sighed. "I'm bored," Abbey wailed with annoyance. "Read a book," She replied, handing her a book. "Okay..." Abbey grabbed the book and read the first line. By the time she got to chapter 4 they where in Auckland. "Abbey, we are here," Bindi explained, getting her up. "Come on Grey," she picked up her leash and walked her down the stairs and into the airport. "She needs to go in a carrier now," Bindi felt guilt. "Nooo, we just got her," Abbey argued, "she cant come in gold class, i'm sorry." Grey was placed in the dog carrier with her bone, toys and a water bowl. "Good bye girl, see you in a few hours," Abbey watched the plane being loaded with animals. "They will be fine," Bindi assumed, "if you say so," Abbey sighed.

"Finally we are here," Abbey stepped out of the plane, she had a chocolate sundae in her hand, "that was the nicest plane ride ever, unlimited food!" she screamed. Bindi laughed, "lets get the uber to Australia zoo!" Abbey grabbed her phone out, "hold up, i have a car," Bindi laughed. "oops," Abbey grinned, "lets go get the animals first," Bindi suggested, Abbey had almost forgotten, she had too much fun eating food. "Where are they?" Abbey asked, "this way," Bindi walked down to the animal area. "There they are!" Abbey screamed and ran ahead. "Hi baby!" she grabbed the dog out of the carrier, hugging her. Grey was very happy to see her, Opal squawked in the carrier next to Grey's. Bindi grabbed her carrier and they strolled through carbo. Half an hour later they where out of the airport. "Why tf is it so warm in winter? wheres the snow!?!?!" Abbey gasped, "it doesn't snow in Australia, you have to go in the mountains, this is Brisbane so its warm alot." Bindi smirked. "Ugh, i'm going back to New York," Abbey joked, 'this is your home," she spoke firmly. Abbey went quiet and got in the car, it was a 40 minute drive to the zoo, she was jet lagged. Abbey had fallen asleep in the car the minute they got there, people crowded around the car as they saw Bindi. People had camera's and reporters where everywhere. "What in the world?" Bindi was confused, "how did they know Abbey was Bindi's daughter, nothing was even said. "Congratulations!" they all shouted. "Bindi, how do you feel about having your first child?" one reporter asked as she wind her window down. "I feel blessed," she simply explained and drove into the staff car park. People remain behind the restricted area. "Are they gone?" Abbey asked as she woke in fright. "Yes, I cant believe people are so stalkish to know about you so soon," she thought. Abbey got out of the car, unclipping Grey's leash, "go have a run," she smiled, Grey finally felt free, her tail wagged for the first time today, Abbey picked up the Frisbee from her bag and threw it. Grey raced to get it, catching it in her mouth as if she was a new dog.

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