Chapter 8

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"I wish I hadn't come here, now I cant do my training because of some stupid man, I hope he rots in hell," Abbey cried as she lay in her room. "You will recover, until then you can help with the nursery, maybe if your good you might get to adopt something," Bindi offered, trying to cheer her up. "I guess its better then being a normal child who goes to school and has average pets," she thought, nodded and getting up again. "Am I allowed to take my animals into the zoo without someone telling me off again?" she asked nervously. "Who said you can't?" Bindi asked with confusion, "Rob," Abbey sighed, "his just trying to stop you from having fun, he doesn't know anything, the rules are that only zoo members can," Bindi ended the conversation. "We leave in a few hours for the interview remember," she remembered. Abbey grinned, "cool," her arm wasn't going to stop her from being known, it was the official announcement. She walked outside to the nursery, she had time so she thought she'd make a quick visit. As she entered the nursery, she thought about what she'd say, would they believe she was Bindi's daughter or should she act like a visitor. She couldn't wait any longer, "excuse me, can I please come in?" she asked as she got to the second door where you hand your tickets. "Where's your ticket?" the man asked, "ugh I don't have one, i am actually someone apart of this zoo's daughter," she explained slowly. "Sorry kid, i think you are lying to me, please get your parents and we can chat," he kicked her out. "what the hell," she spat. "I am Bindi's daughter!" she shouted, the guy stopped for a minute. "You are?" he opened the door, "I thought it was just a rumour, you know what, come in." He sighed and let her past, "have fun," he added, turning back to the entrance. Abbey walked through to the reptile room, new born reptiles where in enclosure up for display and handling. "This girl is a diamond python, she will be up for adoption in a week or two as she gets older," the zoo keeper explained, letting the snake curl around her arm. "How big do they get?" Abbey asked amongst the crowd, "they grow around 2-3 metres long, and that's a good question, she might be small now but she will grow to a big healthy girl," she continued. Abbey show great interest, "may I hold her?" She asked curiously. "Sure," the lady handed the snake to her, "what a pretty reptile," Abbey gasped, softly sliding her finger down the snakes body. "Maybe Bindi will let you keep her," the lady winked. Abbey looked up in confusion, how did she know? Maybe the news really was coming out. "She said if I help out a bit," she seemed hopeful, maybe she could start now since someone knew she was apart of the system. "Can i really keep her if i want?" she seemed determined to take the snake into her own hands. "That is if the deal is kept, you help me i help you." The lady replied, "okay," she handed the snake back and followed her into the nursery. "My name is Kira by the way," she introduced herself. Abbey nodded and looked around at all the baby animals. "So you have adoptions here too, why?" she asked weirdly. "We are running low on space and we thought we would let some people come here knowing they are helping the zoo with the money going towards the zoo, of course we are only homing to responsible people and animals are sold if they are legal to have as pets, we aren't selling a baby tiger or hippo," she laughed. "Of course not," Abbey grinned, looking in a cage that had three young sugar gliders in it, "are these legal?" she asked with interest, "actually they are native to Australia and are common pets in America, you haven't heard of them? they can be owned with a licence here," Kira explained. "I've never had any contact with animals back home, i was an orphan and at the orphanage i'm from the lady hates animals," she sadly explained as she got closer to the cage. "Want to hold one?" Kira asked, already unclipping the pouch in the cage and taking one out. Abbey picked the strange creature up and placed it on her shoulder, "it looks like a flying squirrel," she commented, "its like the Australian version," Kira laughed. Abbey smiled and pat the little animal softly. "I'd love to care for these," she admitted. "you can have them if you do a test" Kira smirked, "oh..." Abbey sighed, "whats so bad about that?" she asked suddenly in shock. "Im not very good at them," Abbey worried, "all you have to do is answer questions on them and pet ownership, then you get your basic licence, you need one to own a snake as well," Kira finished her explanation. Abbey nodded, "when is the test?" she asked nervously, "i'll give you a week to research," Kira smiled, "thankyou," Abbey handed the sugar glider back to her and walked home, she had lost track of time. "Ready to go?" Bindi joked, "we have an hour, I need to pack," Abbey gasped and raced around. She put her birds in their carriers and took Grey's down to the car. She felt nervous because Fievel had never flown or gone anywhere and she had just got him to like her. "I wish we where driving there," she sighed, "i'd feel better about taking them with us," she continued. "It was your choice to take them and you will suffer the consequence if they are injured or anything." Bindi warned, Abbey just nodded and got into the car. Grey looked at her with confusion, she had just settled in, "where they going back home?" she though. "Its okay, its better then me leaving you alone isn't it?" she asked the dog and patting her.

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