"Bindi!!!" Bindi's younger brother Robert ran towards her and hugged her, Abbey watched in the distance with a smile. She knew who he was instantly, Rob looked at her with interest, "this must be my niece, this is weird because she's could be my sister," he laughed. Abbey grinned, "weirdly true, i'm 13," she replied awkwardly. "Grey, come here!" she called her dog to say hello. "Shes so pretty," he commented. "Ikr," Abbey looked down at the dog who panted with exhaustion, her eyes sparkled. "Bindi, you bought another macaw?" he looked at the parrot who sat on Abbeys shoulder. "oops," she sweated, "is she yours?" he turned to Abbey. "Yea, she gave her to me," Abbey explained. "That's nice," Rob nodded. "I will show you around the zoo," he offered, "that would be kind of you," Abbey brightly cheered. Robert led Abbey across to their house, Abbey's new home, she placed her stuff in her new room, Opal was placed in the indoor aviary with another macaw named Fievel, a green wing macaw, Bindi's companion. "Your going to feed the tiger cubs," Robert ordered to her. Abbey's eyes grew big, "really?" she began to become excited. "Lets go," he lead her across the zoo, she saw Hyenas, Meerkats, the young Dingos; Archie, Jira and Eve. "Okay we are here, see Kye over there? he is our youngest cub, now Leah will help you out," he explained, introducing her to the women in front of them. "Welcome to Australia zoo, what's your name?" she asked, "I'm Abbey," she explained. "Are you here on a holiday because you have an American accent?" she was curious but clueless. "Actually I just moved here," Abbey explained, remembering it wasn't announced yet that Bindi had a daughter. She followed Leah behind the enclosure, obviously she got to do this for free but she knew it would cost a lot for an encounter like this. "Here's a bottle, follow me," Leah explained, Abbey nodded and sped up. "when I open this door i want you to remember that this animal still has predator instincts." The lady hinted, Abbey was annoyed that she had to be told 100x but said nothing. The tiger cub came running towards her in interest, "hello," she smiled, the big cat stared up at the bottle. Abbey bent down and held it out, the tiger started to suckle on it, she stroked him gently. She felt like this wasn't real, as if this was a dream, to hold a real tiger was so unreal to her. "Time to go," Leah ordered, Abbey stepped out of the enclosure, taking one last glance at him, "bye cutey," she smiled. "Where are your parents?" Leah asked curiously, "i'm fine from here, i'll find them" Abbey played along and walked away. She wondered through the zoo and looked at the animals. She wondered if she would become a zoo keeper and get to hold the animals, or at least be respected and known as Bindi's daughter soon.
The zoo was closed and she settled down in her new room, it was clean and not crowded like her old one, she had nice clothes and for the first time ever, was sitting down with a family and nice meal. "I didn't get to say hello today, welcome home," Bindi's mum smiled. "Thankyou," Abbey replied as she gratefully bit into her steak. Grey stared up at her hungrily, "you eat after me," she told the dog, shewing her away. "The dog food is in the cupboard," Bindi explained, Abbey nodded and walked into the kitchen. Grey followed curiously, she placed the bowl on the table and filled it, lowering it to the ground, the dog got right into it. Abbey walked away, into the indoor bird aviary. Opal flew onto her friendly and happy, "hello pretty bird," she smiled, giving her a Brazil nut. She walked over to Fievel who sat on his perch, playing with his hanging toy. "Hello Fievel," she slowly spoke as she approached him, he glanced at her quietly. He came closer to her as she held out a nut, Abbey placed her arm out with the nut in front of it, trying to get him to step up. The bird placed one foot on her arm as he frantically tried to reach the nut. She backed the nut away to make the bird place his other foot on her, he slowly did as expected, she rewarded him by giving it to him and stroking him. "Good bird," she cheered, grabbed Opal as well and wondered out into the living room. "Your bird likes me," she explained to Bindi, "wow, how did you get him to step up, he doesn't even like me," she gasped. "What?" Abbey looked down at the bird, "i just got a nut and you know..." she trailed off as the bird started to climb up her shoulder. "He bites everyone," Robert warned. Abbey reached her hand up her shoulder to get him off, showing increasing fear. "I'll get him," Bindi stopped her and grabbed the bird before he attacked her. "I was fine with him," she insisted, "no you have a parrot, stick with her," Bindi asked. "He doesn't get enough attention," Abbey argued in prediction. "His fine," Bindi placed the bird on the chair and sighed. Abbey rolled her eyes and sat down with opal on her arm. She sat her on her lap and stroked her, "what am i going to do today?" she asked. "You are going to start training and learning how to feed animals, "but i thought that was the trainers job?" she was confused, "oh yes but you get to decide which animal you want to help with." Bindi explained. "Okay, i will get ready then," she was unsure and walked around her room nervously. "What animals do i like the most?" she thought. She stared over at her bird who perched on her mirror, she seemed to have a passion for birds, "thats what i will do, i will be a eagle trainer and feed the macaws from 'Bindi's island', maybe i can be a parrot hoarder," she giggled. "I'm going to tame that macaw, i don't care," she concluded, running out with Opal flying behind her. "Fievel, step up," she asked confidently, the bird hesitantly stared at her arm. She held a nut out, it changed his view. He stepped up knowingly and grabbed the nut. "I'm going to tame him," she ordered. Bindi and Robert exchanged glances as if they knew she would anyway. "You are bird obsessed," Bindi complimented, "yep," she cheered. "Then you will be helping Tim with the eagle shows," she offered, Abbey gleamed at her and nodded. "Can i have my own parrots to tame?" she asked excitedly. "We will see how you go with this task and attempting to get Fievel to like you," Bindi explained fairly. "Thanks mum," she turned for the door with Opal on the harness, she wasn't going to let her off it in the zoo. Grey followed her as well, with her tail wagging. "Did she just-?" Bindi smirked, "yes you are a parent," Robert reminded her. "I know but she hasn't called me that before," she smiled. "Its time to announce it," he suggested.

Adopted by Bindi Irwin (COMPLETE)
Fanfiction14 yo Abbey Davison was a orphan, when she encounters the 23 yo Bindi Irwin at an animal shelter and is adopted by the famous Australian zoo keeper and dancer her life changes... how weird would it be to have an uncle who could be your brother??? i...