~Old Pals~

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First story PLZZZZ, TELL ME HOW A BITCH IS DOIN I DONT KNOW IF YOU GUYS WILL LIKE IT AND THXS TO @StoriesInParadise for shouting me outif you haven't done it already, but thxs! XOXOXO And I also got some of my wroting formats from her so! Thanks #NoDisrespect


My name Is Xareia Chiarah Nikks! I'm 19 years old I have a daughter and her name is Chazlyn Marie Nikks! My daughters father does not support Chaz, because first he didn't know that he was gonna have a child, two, he HATES kids! Chaz, is 4 years old! I got kicked out of my parents house when I was 15, because they fount out that I was pregnant! So, I had np choice but to move in with my aunt, Vonnie! She is always pressuring me to go out on a date or something! I can't I had love once and it's not happening again!

"Xari, comere!" my aunt shows me a picture of a boy on a website

"Oh my gosh, how many times do u have to show me all these boys! I'm over all the niggas!" I told my aunt

"Don't shoot the messenger, Xareia" Vonnie said

" Sorry, but after Chaz's dad left me! I didn't want another nigga back in my life!" I said on the verge of crying

" I understand, but your 19 years old! You need someone back in your life!" she said, hugging me

" Speaking of me being 19! My 20th birthday is in a few days " I said getting happier

"YeH, and do you wish on seeing the parents" she asked

"No, I never have the past birthdays and will not in the futere ones" I said

"Ok, but please Zareia! Just for the sake of Chaz! She never saw her grandparents!" my aunt begged

"Fine, but don't expect me to talk to them" I said

I really didn't want to see my parents at my pre-party, because I was still mad at them when they kicked me out. I was only 15 and I know what you're going to say "You wanna act like an adult, you can get treated like one", but I understood all that! I just wanted them to come because of Chaz. She hasn't ever seenbher grandparents, since she was born!

"Speaking of Chaz, where is she?" my aunt asked

"Sleeping" I answered the question


"Well, I'm gonna wake up Chaz, and go to the store! Need anything?" I asked

"Nah, just get some grocery, cause girl I am starving!" she said while flipping thru the channels

"Ok" i said

At the store.....

I was shopping thruout WalMart getting food like, spaghetti, candy, fun treats and stuff like that for Chaz! As I was wrapping up my shopping I was in the canned food aisle then I see a familiar face from the corner of my eye, but I didn't say anything, they did!

"Hey" the person said

"Do I know you!" I asked looking confused

"Yeah,I think so!" He said looking me up and down

"Uh,hello! I'm up here" I said waving my hand infront his face

"O, sorry, but like I said. I'm Try'veon" he said

I scanned him he looked to be about 5'8, light touch of darkness, dreads and hazel eyes! I went back thru my memories and I remeber he was the nigga who fucked me up.

"Uh, I actually do know you! I'm Xareia!


I was walking thru Walmart when I see a bad bitch that looked very familiar with a baby that was light skin, with hazel eyes, long curly and poofy hair!  So I stopped her!

"Hey!" I said

"Uh, Do I no you" she asked

"Yeah, I think so!" I looked her up and down

"Uh, I'm up here" she waved her hand in my face

"O, sorry! My name is Try'veon!

"I actually do know you! My name is Xareia

I thought about it and I remebered that 5 years ago I used to deal with a girl named Xareia! And I finally found her all those years!

"Xareia! Hey how you doin?" I said trying to give her a hug, but she rejected it

"Look, you think we can forget the past and move on, but I can't! And, by any means, this is your daughter, Chazlyn!" she said looking mad

"Well, can I hold her!" I asked

"No, she's sleeping! Sorry, but I have to go!" she said looking like she was on the verge of crying, walking off

" Nice, seeing you again!" I tried saying while she walked away


I can't believe who I just saw! I always thought that I would never see him again! I was kinda disappointed, because he really didn't understand who I was, well how I felt! and I felt betrayed!

"Auntie!" I shouted

"What!" she replied

"You"ll never guess who I just saw!" she told her

"Try'veon" she guessed

"Yes, I was hella mad" I answered

"Why, wassup boo!" she told me

"No, it"s just that he really hurt me and I just froze and freaked out thinking that I would never see him again" I said

"Don't worry" she said trti g to cheer me up

Short Chappie




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