-I Love You pt. II- and Season Finale

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Y'all don't make fun of me at the end of the chapter because, it gets weak and it's the very last chapter. Y'all know what I mean, when it's the last chapter y'all get real happy that its the end and start slacking on what you were doing at the beginning but you may continue ;*



When I woke up from my nap that I actually thought that I was in. I was actually in a white used hospital gown, did I fail to mention that I hate wearing or even seeing used clothes even though you could wash them. Ok anyways I woke up and saw mom,, Nia, dad and my bae Chris.

"O thank god!" my mom said pressing her hand up against her chest "Babe, what happened?" Chris said looking the saddest I've ever saw him " Zari, my love. What happened?" my mom asked "Hey, Chris.." I said softly "OK, but anyways. Me and Con had both gone out to talk about our night  and we were in the car so he started yelling at me and then i looked away I felt him he-he slapped me." I broke down and continued

"So after he slapped he started yelling about some random stuff and after that we both had got t-boned  by a pickup truck. "  I told the both of them "His, bitch ass. But the thing is are you okay, Zareia?" he asked "Yeah, thanks Chris!" i replied "I'm so thankful you're okay, but I gotta get back to your house to check back on the babies love you. " and with my mom, dad and Nia left all together which left me and Chris alone.

"So, yeah. What you been up to? " I asked Chris as I wiped away my tears "Nothing much, just been missing my four girls Khi, Tina, Chaz, and lastly my baby Zareia. " he replied. I replied with a smile "Baby, I miss you too, but I think it's best for us to stay alone at least for another month. "  I told him "Zareia, I love and miss you. But we been far from each other long enough. I think it's time for us to take another try at it again, please Zarei!!!" he suggested

"Uh, I guess if you say so." We both got happy I sat up he hugged me and we both kissed for a very long time " Hopefully, I'm out of here by tomorrow, so I can celebrate my baby's birthday. " Yeah, but uh. I got one question. " he said "Yeah, sure." " Uh, when you gone lemme hit dat again" he asked and he chuckled on the last part and I laughed "Whenever yo ass can keep your dick in your pants. "  i chuckled "Yeah, whatever, bu-" he got interrupted by a nurse

"Lucky day, Ms.Nikks " she said looking down at her clipboard "Fortunately, with your daughter birthday tomorrow, we sill let you leave today. " she added and looked up I looked up joyful "Thank you , so much. How did you find out? "I asked pit of curiosity "Well, you should be saying thanks to your mom and dad "  she said with a smile " We will gather your prescriptions and release papers and you can leave. " she smiled and nodded and left


I was so glad to see that my baby, was doing fine after the accident, but the only was that nigga, Devontae , wanna lay a hand on my baby, Z. The other thing was the medical bills, yikes that thing was nearly $2,000.00, but I'll do anything for my baby.

*4 hours later*

"Zareia, you ready yet?? You been in there for over two hours." I complained

"Babe, calm down. " she said limping out of the bathroom that was locked to her hospital bed

"You got it?" i asked her "Yeah, thanks anyways. " she said

" Okay. Ms. Nikks." the nurse said interrupting .

"You are ready to go home , Missy..." she said with the wheel chair and papers in her hand.

"OK" Zarei hopped to the wheel chair

"Now, since you were in her for a short amount of time. I am going to need you to be on bed rest for a couple of days, alright?" the nurse said Wheeling her down the hallway

"OKZareia replied "Exactly how long?" I asked the nurse "Chris, she talking to me not you. " Zareai said, the nurse chuckled

"Okay, but you are on it for about one week and a half. " she explained to Zareia after that luckily my car was closely

*30 minutes later

When we got to the house Zareia mom, sister and Chaz, T, and Khy were there, but the kids were sleep. I had planned something for Zareia tonight including her family, mines and the kids. Hopefully she will  one.

*Later that night*



Chris was taking both of our families out somewhere tonight, I believe because we both got back together from 5 months, but yeah. We also left the kids with a nanny if they wake up.

"Chris, where are we going?" I asked him putting in my diamond earrings.

"You will see" he said going through his closet

"OK, can't wait to go. I'll be in the car with err body else


I waited for Zey to leave the house completely for me to look over my gift I had for forever wanting to give it to her at the right time . I really never knew when but now is. I went toturned of all the lights and locked the door and left the house and drove to where we were going .

at restaurant

"Babe, thanks so much." Zey whispered in my ear  "No, problem." I whispered back

"Uh, attention, please families." I said as they all brought their attention to me "Uh, Chris?" She asked

"Zareia Khiarah Nikks. I loved you for three years straight, I want to love you even more and more years if you would let me. Zareia, I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused but I really wanna say sorry, but I can be your king and you can be my queen, princess and beauty. Will you marry me?" I asked about to cry

"Yes, Chris!" she squealed "Aww and Yayyy!!!!" The other families shouted "Chris, I will love you forever and ever, trust me. " she said "I love you, Zareia Brown!"  I said "I love you to Chris Brown" she said as she cupped my face and kissed me...


Round of Applause....

Thank y'all so much mwahhhh more coming by two weeks

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