Baby Shower!! And Prolummsss

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I am now 5 months pregnant and my family is setting up for my baby shower and I will be having my twins. I am so excited and Chaz will be especially, but the thing is where Chris at cause he needs to be here!



"Chris, why do you have to go!" Raqueal said wrapping the sheet around her body

"Zareias shower about to start!" I said putting oon my pants

"Can Icome!" she asked

"Are you crazy?"

"Baby, just make sure you tell her! Also, I have something to tell you!" she said

"I'm pregnant!"

I looked up at her shocked. I dont know what Zarei will think if or when she finds out. Our lives will be separated i wont be in my child's life anymore! And my child will grow up in separate homes.

"Really, Rocky!" I said with my head in my hands

"How far along!" I said rubbing my face in frustration

"l'm two months!"

"Ok, well I'm gonna go!" i got up and left



"Mom, that's in the wrong place fix it!"

"Okay, Zarei! Calm down! I inow you pregnant and all and the hormones, but calm down!" she said

"All we ha-!" I got cut off by Chris walking through the door

"Hey babe!" I said getting up and kisssing him

"hey" he kissed back

"Uh, did- aI mean why are you in the same clothes from last night!" I asked fixing up his collar

"I uh-uh, was at the studio working on the lyrics fore Love More!" he replied

"Sure, but go back home and change! Hurry, before the people start arriving!" I told him and he left

After Chris left I decided to call Chris' producer, Kevin and find out if Chris really was at the studio last nightnbut I know something is up!



" Helllo!"

"Hey, Kevin!"

" hey Wassup!"

"Uh, i was just calling to ask if Chris came by the studio last night to come and work on a song!"

" Uh, nooo!"

"Ok bye!"


2 months later

Chaz and  I are going out for a mommy and me day out. We're going to the spa NO massages for me just her, nails breakfast and lunch.

At The Spa......

We walked in and sat down on the couch until a couple of girls walked in laughing and I looked

"Gotta problem!" one said with a baby bump

"No, maybe you is!" I said putting down my mag

"Uh, bitch! Is you Zareia!" the same one asked

"Yea, wyy!" i asked cunfused

" O, I'm Raquael! Chris' 2nd baby mama 4 months! And tell him that he needs to answer my calls and show up to my appointments!" she said rubbing her belly

I ran out of the building and ran toa my car and cried and called Cheis.




"You have reached the voicemail box of "Ya boy Chris, can't talk at the mome, but promise to call back as soon as I get this message, Holla!" beeeeeepppp!!!

"Hey,Chris! I'm letting you know that I just met your 2 babymomma Raquael! She said show up at her doctor-s appointments and answer her calls, also I will be changing the locks and throwing your stufff out!" I ended the voicemail





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= WHAT AN UPDATE!!!! (+_+)

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