-I Love You. pt.l-

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3 months later












It has been the best 4 months of my life right now my babies are 4 months old right now. Chiyler is a very bad baby and Tina isvery quiet and shy. And Chaz is turning 7 tomorrow, my oldest is growing up .*crys and laughs* I'm just happy for her right now. A Love Life: Uh , eh it's up and down the scale right now me and Devonte are well we used to talk and date but we talk now cause he cheated on me w ith the one and only Eleece. Damn, sometimes I think that bitch finds her way around, ALOTT!!!!! But he taking me out on a date tonight Z'lani and Mom are coming over to watch the kids.

6:49 pm

It was 6:49 I was supposed to be ready at 8:00, so I got undressed and turned on the warm water for the shower and stepped in. I was in there for about 20 minutes and stepped out the shower and wrapped my self in a towel and heard my phone vibrate it was a text from: Devonte and Z'lani


Imma pick you up at 8:30!



Z'lani: (Zee-la-nee)

Do the kids need any food, if you don't reply i'll bring some anywayy and I mean like fast food, lol???!!!

I didn't reply, she be so stupid sometimes, but she my sister!

I put on my vanilla scented perfume and lotion, w/ a black and grey sleeveless dress with a v-neckline, some grey sandals and my gold necklace and earrings and I curled my hair and put in a ponytail and got my keys...then I heard the doorbell it was my mom and Lani and Rhylieh.

Lani had like a million bags of McDonald's noting that she's 5 months pregnant.

"Damn, Lani! You ain't that hungry, well ion know!"I said letting them in.

"Where the kids?" my mom asked "Mom it's 8:20, they will of course be sleeping!" i said smartly

"Ok, anyways! The twins need to wake up at 9:15 so that they can take their formula and Chaz cannot stay up later than that time.!" I told them strictly.

" Miss. Zareia, you mind me asking?" my mom asked

"Sure, wassup!?" i asked

"My other daughter Zynia came to me couple months back and I never got the chance to ask you, why were you yelling at your big sister?!" my mom asked curiously

"She just need to stay oit my love li-" i got cut off by Lani stuffing her mouth with fries

"Uh, Arei you got any ketchup or buffalo sauce!" she asked

"First cabinet bottom shelf!" I said and I heard a knock "Uhhhh!" i said annoyed by all of the interruptions

" O, Hey Von!" I said hugging him and Lani came out the kitchen

"He-ooo! Arei this yo beau!?" she asked

"Yeah problem?" I asked "Just don't sleep wit him" she whispered the last part.

"Ok, well I think well be going , kiss the kids for me, ma!" I told them

In the car......

"I missed you bae!" Von said putting the key in the ignition and driving off

"I'm not the bae, maybe Eleece is!" I said looking out the window

"Bae, come on that was the past, maybe I changed!" he said

"Maybe you did, maybe you didn't . I can't trust you no more!" I said loudly

"Ok, so why the hell did you come on this damn date with me, Zareia!" he yelled

"Because, you wanted me to, you wanted to try us again but you know what I gu-"  I said

"Guess" was the last word I said until everything else went black all I heard was ambulance, police and fire trucks! I felt myself getting picked up! Many many many hours later, I woke up to 4 white walls and heard sobs!

(AN; The main man is BACK!!!)


I was in the studio with Ink making a new record we been working on for about two weeks, but we really couldn't get any of the melodies right! We were working on the chorus

Mami you remind me of something
But I don't know what it is (I don't know)
Cause you remind me of something
girl, you gotta show me (alright)
you remind me of something
But I don't know what it is right now (I don't know)
Cause you remind me of something
Girl, you gotta show me

"Man, I think that's dope bruh, just make your voice a lil deeper when you singing girll!" my producer Kevin suggested

"Ar-" I got cut off by my manager "Ayo, Chris! Arei in the hospital!" he said

"What!" I hopped up I hope it ain't too serious.

I know it look like I dont care about Zareia, but I love her and I miss her eian though I haven't seen her in over 5 months.

I get a chance to be with her again. We rushed to the hospital

"Zareia Nikks!" I asked the nurse, she put the one finger up to me meaning wait I couldn't wait any longer I had to see my bae.

"Look lady, my girl, might be hurt real bad and I need to make sure she fine, both ways but I need a room number NOW!!!" I yelled at her

"Uh, she's in 236A" ha I scared the bitch. I walked down multiple hallways and and elevator I walked I the room and I saw her she looked terrible but I knew she was still beautiful to me!


How is it????

Might do a few more chapters, like three or two more?@!!!


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