Back Home with Stress!!

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It was finally time for me to take Chiyler (Ky-ler) and Christina home from two days at the hospital. I only had to wait for the nurse to come back with my release papers. I actually enjoyed being in the hospital minus all of the cold food I had to! They showed me how to bathe them and for how nice the nurses were they gave me diapers and a tub.

"Okay, so you-re goi-!" the nurse got interrupted showing me how to breast feed by my sisters Zynia and Z'lani bein so loud

"I'll just be back later,Zareia. If that's okay!" she said

"Yes, thank you." I said putting the gown back over my shoulder and bringing my attention back over to my sisters

"Hey, what are y'all doing here?" I asked while Z'lani put her baby down and came hugged me

"Hi, auntie Zari!" my niece Ryleieh shouted "Ssshhh!" Zynia told her

"What we can't come see our baby sister and nieces!"

"No, you can!" I told 'em "So, where is Chris? Did he come see them yet" Nia asked

"Yea, for like 2 minutes and he got on my damn nerves, so his bitch ass had to leave?" I explained to them "Aww, typical Chris and Zareia!" we all laughed .

3 Hours Later ..

I was making the kids their bottles , they haven't ate anything since we left the hospital . I walked over and picked Chiyler and started to feed her the bottle . She was chugging it down .

“ You like that huh baby girl ? “ I smiled .

She was so adorable , I'm really blessed to have her in my life . My sister , Zynia was coming over with a surprise for me . I was confused , she never had any surprise for me in a long time . I ran upstairs and got dressed in a pair of dark skinny jeans, a purple and black shirt, and my grape 5 's , then I heard a doorbell ring.

"Coming ! “ I yelled .

I answered the door and she was standing there with a fine ass guy standing next to her .

" Hey sissy! " I asked.

" Hey , I want you to meet my friend Devonte . Devonte , this is my sister Zeria . " she smiled .

I looked at him, he was carmel colored and he was tall . I guess you can say he was 6"1 .

I reached my hand out towards him .

" Nice to meet you " I smiled. He kissed my hand . " You too beautiful. " I blushed.

"Uh, Nia! Can I talk to you real quick?" I said

"Yeah, sure!" she said walking back towards my room

"Okay, you know I just came out of a relationship with Chris, correct?" I said

"I understand, but you need to lay back and calm down!" she told me

"No, YOU need to step back and get the hell out of my love life, Nia!" I yelled

"I'm just trying to help you!" she semi yelled

"I don't need any help. I just got out of the damn hospital, with 2 damn kids! Just stay the fuck back, Zynia, ok!" I said walking out the room back into the living room back to Devonte.

"Hey, Devonte! Sorry it took so long, but maybe I could just give you my number and you can call me sometime." I told him

"Um, sure!" we both nodded and exchanged numbers

"Okay, uh , thanks!" he said we both hugged one another

"Nia, you ready?" Devonte yelled upstairs

"Yeah, I'm coming!" she yelled back and came downstairs "See ya later Arie!" she told me and left


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