A Chris Chapter Not Zareia

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I was disappointed when Zareia told me to leave, especially when I was trying to visit my daughters and the seeds that I created with her. So after all of that I went back to my car with, Raquael, which is now 5 months pregnant. She will be having my son.

"So, what happened in there?" she asked

"She just crazy as hell. I couldn't even see my damn kids for 5 minutes!" I told her

"It's okay, bae! We gone have our own kid soon, don't worry!" she rubbed my chest

"Okay, buckle up." I told her a drove of back to our house the I purchased for us and our upcoming family member to live in.

At Home.......

"Hey, babe. Do you want anything to eat. Imma go to the store !" Queal asked me

"Nah, I'm fine!" I said "You sure!" she made sure-I nodded and she left



"What-did-I-tell-you-about-being-a-damn-hoe-you-slut!" my boyfriend Reggie said while throwing blows at my face and body

"I-I'm sorry!" I cried

"Hell, you not. If you were then you wouldn't have continued from all those multiple times you've done it."

"Yes, I am." I attempted to get up , but failed

"Now, who is this nigga you was with." he said lying on the bed rolling a blunt

"Chris." I replied quietly rolled up in a corner of the room

"Chris- as in Christopher Maurice, from highschool?" he asked me. I nodded and he had his fist balled up at me

"You're lucky, imma give you a break for today, but if I find out you screwing someone else is gone be worse and least when you expect it! You understand" he yelled, I nodded. "I said do you understand."

"Yes sir!" I walked halfway out of the room

"Where you going?" he asked

"I'm going to the cafe on Oak Tree!" I replied

"Okay, you have an hour and bring me back black roast coffee and blueberry muffin!" He stated

"Okay!" I went out the room and went into the den and got my purse, keys and phone. And went to my car and called Chris to meet me up with me at the cafe downtown

I rang three times and he finally rang "Hello!"

"Wassup, what you need?" he asked

"Hey, uh are you busy?!" I asked

"Uh, no! Why?" he asked

"I just want to speak to you for a bit!" I stated

"Sure, where?" "Just meet me at La Madeleine downtown

"Okay,be there in 5!" And  we hung up. I was there in 15 minutes



I made it to the cafe in 20 minutes since I live a little farther than Eleece! I know it doesn't make sense to go behind Zareia's bac- whag am I taliing about we not eian together! But I know it's stupd to meet back up with her after what happened at the studio a few weeksg back, but she said she had something to talk about!

When I got to the table I saw Eleece honestly she looked very rough."He-eeeyyy! What happened?" I asked

"That's the reason why I needed to come talk to you. Chris can I please stay with you?!?" she begged

"W-what happened?" I asked confused

"Well, remember when you and I had our 'scene' at the studio couple weeks back. Well apparently my boyfriend found out about it and he was in Wisconsin for a family visit!" she said the last part quietly

"Wait, you had a boyfriend?" I asked again

"Well, I'm hoping to have-had a boyfriend, but I can't stay there anymore,Chris! Can you help me please?" she explained

"I can't do anything about that! But maybe you can stay the night! That's all I can do..

"Thanks Chris!" she got up and hugged me


Chris don't know when to STOPPP!!!!!

Suck Chappie!! :(

Short! I be running out of ides thas why my chapters be so short, so l IDEAS

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