-A Surprise!!!!-

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It's Alright

I'm Not Dangerous

When You're Mine

I'll Be Generous

You're Irreplaceble

And Collectible

Just Like Fine China

At the Bar..

"Ayyee!!" Chris stops me and sits next to me

"Do you need anything?" I ask in a polite voice smiling

"Any drinks tonight?" the bartender askes

"2 Amaretto Sours extra lime in mine" Chris said

"Coming right up!"

"You need anything!" I asked scrolling on my phone

"Well, first you can atleast have eye contact!" he said taking my phone and sitting it on the bar

"Ok, well now I do!" i chuckled

"I wanted to tell yo Happy Birthday! How old" he asked

"2012! You know youre not supposed to ask a woman her age!" I told him flipping my hair past my shoulder

"I know, but you're beautiful! Anyone ever told you that?" he said

"No, not in a long time!" I looked down

"Here's your drinks! ENJOY!!" the bartender said

"Thanks!" we said in unision

"Okay, well it's true! I just want you to know that!" he siad

"Thanks!" I said siping my drink

"Can I have your #?" he asked taking out his phone

"Sure!" we switched phones and exchanged numbers

"See you later!"

3 hour later....

When I got home I was hella tired it was like 4 o'clock in the morning! My aunt was still up watching tv in the front room! So I went to my room and changed into my pajamas and slippers and went back in the front room with my aunt!

"How'd it go!" my aunt asked

"Great!" I told her

"Did you have fun!" she asked looking at me

"Yeah, I just didn't drink alot, but I met someone!" I said getting excited

"Who!" she asked

"Chris Brown!" I said

she chuckled

"You booked it, huh! I thought it was Coreal! I said

You liked him since you were 15, I had to! But what do you wish you had at your party yesturday!" she asked

"You know, I really wish the parents were there, but-" I said as my aunt cut me off

You should meet with them n a couple of days! she told me

"I should! But thanks for the talking and I'm so tired love you!" I said walking off


Sorry guys! I was kind of on a writer's block for a few weeks! I couldn't think of anything to write and this chapter erased and I had to rewrite it! :)



SHARE! -Jada


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