-Am I Pregnant?-

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2 months later

"Zari, how late are you?" my friend Danelle (Da-nelle)

"2 month!"

"Really, what the hell is wrong with you! You got a pregnancy test!" she asked with a "Really Bitch" look

"Yea, it's right here!" I said pointing to my purse and going to the bathroom

I got the test peed on it and wait 5 minutes and the thingy said "ll" not pregnant and "l" pregnant! and "l" popped up. I heard a knocked on the door

"Hello" she said sarcastically

"Yes! I'm pregnant!"

"I'm an auntie again!" she said twerking

"Damn, bitch calm down!" I said smacking her butt

"Sorry, but can I name the baby!"

" Depends on the gender and if Chris do! I'll see!" I told her

"Ok, I luv you"

" Luv yu-!" I zaid getting cut off

"I was talking to this one!" she said kissing my flat  belly

" See ya!" she said walking out

After Danelle left I went to go wake Chaz up from her nap so she can go a d eat her snack and go back! Yeah, I really have a scheduled thingy ma jig for her! Especially at specific times so yup! I called Chris



" Hey Babe!" I said

"Wyd!" he asked

"Nothin! Layin in bed waiting for you!" I said

" Well I'll be home in an hour! What Chaz doin?"

"Sleeping, she was crying for you today!" I told him

" I miss my Chaz! Ok, well I gotta go bae!"

"Okay, I love you!" I told him

"Lu you too!" he hung up

1 hour later

"Hey!" Chris said

" Hey!" I said watching the tv

"What's wrong, Mami!" he said climbing on top of me

" Why you so damn horny, boii!" I said laughing

" You know why!"

" We had it before you left!"

" Uhh!"

"Well, I'll be back!" I told



I decoded to go to the doctor's because I am pregnant and it's Chris' and I just wanted to make sure that I was pregnant bc you know those tests.

"Zareia Thompson!" the nurse said calling me to the back

"Dr. Mooren, will be here in a few!" she said and walked out

5 minutes later

"Hi, Zareia!" he said

" Hi, Doc!" I replied

" So, you're here for a test right!"

" Yes!"

" Okay go take this and ill take it tested!" he gave me the cup and I went to the bathroom and saw that girl, Eleece

"Bitch!" she said under her breath

"You are to, next time-oooo! Got me fucked up!" I said going into the bathroom

An came out 2 minutes later

" Here you go!" I sad handing it to him

" I'll go take it!"

10 minutes later

"Well,Zareia it looks like you.......



-Zareia pregnant?????????

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